Straw Hat Pirate
VoxPhantom said:As for Clannad, haven't seen it yet so not sure whether to import the BDs when I can play them, or just wait on the DVDs.
Personally, I believe if you have the option, Kyoani's recent works, going back to Kanon, have been worth watching in HD, as they put a lot of effort into the visuals generally (even if not quite as much as say the attention to detail UFOTable applied to the lighting for the KnK series).
It's why I think it's unfortunate with Clannad, the series is worth owning, and I'd actually like to be able to reward Manga for picking it up, but as I can play the superior BD release and they're not doing one...
Neither am I, but my brother absolutely LOVES the show, so if I could get a UK/Region B copy, it's easier for me. As it stands its not at the top of my priorities to buy just yet, but I shall own it one day.