Hi Joshawott, if you could ask them why they didn't like, I'd be grateful, as feedback is very important if we want to make this show great.
Myself, I had fun helping organise this, although I think it's a lot of work. As for Alcon promoting their event, they did have a stall at the reception area, so their stall was indeed full of fliers for his con, as for saying it was the whole reception area, well, I've filled all the benches of the around the box office with our Camcon merchandise and con books, maybe one stack of his fliers along with everyone else's fliers, but that was it. It's CAMCON and not ALCON, even though now I realise there's a little similarity in the names
For a first time, we had problems basically because of the huge success it was. At times, it was too packed with people, but unfortunately, our budget was limited so we could only get this much space.
Others complained there was very few stalls, which in honesty is not too uncommon on the smaller cons and it never gets anywhere close to the trade shows (namely Expos and LFCC), but in general, I think most people enjoyed themselves and we have definite plans to make another one next year and hopefully, sort all problems we had this year.
Will your friends like next year show? I'm not sure, as we know we will never please everybody. We will only try and do the best show we can and while people are coming to it, we will keep on doing it.