New Anime Releases 31/08/2009

Funktion said:
ayase said:
This is a consideration. I'm quite interested in DTB but given that there is a blu-ray boxed set scheduled for release in Japan soon, and that Manga seem to be the ones getting on with the transition to blu-ray the fastest I wonder if I might be throwing my money away buying the DVD's.
It's definitely one of the things I now very much take into consideration when purchasing DVDs, the likelihood of a Blu-Ray release. In this case, I seriously doubt a Blu-Ray release will happen in the next 12 months or so. Manga's Blu-Ray releases have been pretty much "ports" of FUNimation releases (happening a few months after the US releases), and FUNimation has yet to announce a Darker Than Black release (and they seem to have announced their Blu-Ray schedule until the end of the year), so it's safe to say it's not coming soon. And lets not forget while the Blu-Ray market is rising, it's still not big enough for us to get everything that's been released on BD in Japan, there's quite a few releases that still haven't made it to us.
True, but then the blu-ray of Origin followed pretty fast on the heels of the DVD (I could have sworn the DVD didn't come out that long ago but at any rate, it's been less than a year). I figure if the DVDs make it over here then then Blu-rays are likely to. I don't mind spending a bit extra for high definition, but I'm not really wealthy enough to potentially double-dip, especially on series'. Personally, I think it would be best if they were to do with everything (that they can) what they're doing with Shigurui - giving customers the choice between the two formats straight off the bat, and not losing any sales to people like me who prefer to wait and see.

@ilmaestro - The blue plastic is horrible. It makes blu-ray look cheap and like a kiddie's toy.
Watched 1-7/8 of Shigurui last night. It's turned out to be a bit of a waste of money, offering only blood and sex. It's a lot like Manga's early titles.

There isn't much dialogue in it and, while the basic premise of two pupils trying to win the favour of a master in order to take over his school and get his daughter is interesting enough, without more than one character getting developed it isn't involving. The only character to get fleshed out is the 'baddie', and he isn't really a bad guy because not even the main character appears to be good, the limited time he's got on screen showing him to be a bit of a monster. I mean, he's willing to go along with any orders, including holding down a woman he likes so she can be raped (and I think getting sexually aroused - it's hard to tell whose who because how dark the scene was, everyone having the same hair).

A lot of the imagery doesn't make sense (Madhouse like insects, clearly), one subplot involving Iraki (the 'baddie') having sex with *I think* a minor and then being sick when seeing her again later made no sense (he's never appeared to be a good guy; the sort who would feel bad) and the battles are hard to follow because they mostly involve still-shots getting thrown together fast rather than fluid, frame-to-frame anmation, or are simply too fast to understand in some cases. In short, it's confusing to watch more often than not.

I'm still mystified as to how covering your first before punching someone can do more damage, or make a hole on something without making it fall apart.

Also, because of the dull colours, the picture is grainy as hell on DVD. Watching it on Blu-Ray is a must if you have the required tools. I think it's only like £6 more expensive, too.
ayase said:
@ilmaestro - The blue plastic is horrible. It makes blu-ray look cheap and like a kiddie's toy.
Hehe, no, I can see why people wouldn't like it so much. I dunno why I do, I'm still quite excited when able to buy stuff on Blu-ray (instead of DVD) so I like to have it stand out a little, maybe.
ayase said:
True, but then the blu-ray of Origin followed pretty fast on the heels of the DVD (I could have sworn the DVD didn't come out that long ago but at any rate, it's been less than a year). I figure if the DVDs make it over here then then Blu-rays are likely to. I don't mind spending a bit extra for high definition, but I'm not really wealthy enough to potentially double-dip, especially on series'. Personally, I think it would be best if they were to do with everything (that they can) what they're doing with Shigurui - giving customers the choice between the two formats straight off the bat, and not losing any sales to people like me who prefer to wait and see.

Origin is an Anime film, not a series. TV series in general, not just Anime series, have been slower to come to the Blu-Ray format, I guess because the risk is bigger.
You're right, ideally the BD releases would come out at the same time as the DVD releases, but unfortunately that's not happening not even in Japan (baring a few exceptions).

If you decide to purchase the DVDs, you can always try to trade or sell them later on.
Funktion said:
unellmay said:
Depends how much you care about something to be slightly higher quality
I keep seeing comments like these, but I really have to wonder if everyone making these comments has seen Anime on BD. I admit I was one of the skeptical ones regarding the benefits of the format, and thought the difference between formats would be minor, but I can now say I was totally wrong. Unless it's a SD source badly unconverted, the Blu-Ray looks miles ahead of a DVD. Two of my first BD purchases were Paprika and Tekkonkinkreet, and they are miles ahead anything a DVD can handle.
It's true there's been a few shoddy releases, but make no mistake: the higher definition of the Blu-Ray format makes for some very impressive visual quality in Anime works, miles ahead of what a DVD can give us.

I wasn't expected a reply honestly

Anyway ahem....

I don't really care

I happy with my obsolete format as are many others.

The only people who do care is
1.Mr super nerd
2.people with too much money

Aion said:
one subplot involving Iraki (the 'baddie') having sex with *I think* a minor and then being sick when seeing her again later made no sense (he's never appeared to be a good guy; the sort who would feel bad)

Obviously he was disgusted by her lack of ability in bed
unellmay said:
I wasn't expected a reply honestly. Anyway ahem.... I don't really care

[needless spaces eliminated]
So if you didn't want a reply and you don't really care (in bold even), why did you post in the first place? Other than the obvious answer, which is to troll. Which, incidentally, you're still doing. If you really want to take part in this community, stop posting insulting / inflammatory comments all the time.
unellmay said:
I wasn't expected a reply honestly

Anyway ahem....

I don't really care

I happy with my obsolete format as are many others.

The only people who do care is
1.Mr super nerd
2.people with too much money
So you don't care, which obviously means you have to insult anyone who happens to care. Funny attitude.
With the price of the BD players dropping to affordable prices, and the price of BD releases almost on par with DVD releases, I don't see how only someone with too much money can afford to own the format.

But anyway, the funny thing is, despite your comments, sooner or later you too will purchase a BD player. :lol:
Some more images of all todays anime dvd releases are on this weeks Manga Newsletter, including the correct dvd cover art work for Shigurui:

Trailers/Openings/Clips are up, if anyone wants to post further images of these releases i.e. back of the box covers, the dvd itself, images of it's reverse cover if it has it, inserts or other extras please do so.