New Anime Releases 29/10/2012

Invisible Crane said:
Does no one buy DVD versions anymore?
Not if there's a BD version available, no. And even if there isn't, the possibility of there being a BD release in the future still puts me off buying DVDs.

My Madoka BD is also in the post. Looking forward to this.
Presumably someone is still buying DVDs, as otherwise they'd have already gone the way of the dodo.

Madoka Blu-ray for me as well, my first UK purchase in a good few months.
I would buy Madoka Magica right now but i need to buy myself stupid food and university supplies :(

Invisible Crane said:
Does no one buy DVD versions anymore?
I do. I only have one Bluray player and thats at my parents house and they use it more than i do anyway. So i buy the DVDs even thougn they don't look as good. :wink:
mangaman74 said:
Nothing new for me - already own the Aniplex USA Limited Edition blu-rays of Madoka and I'm too far behind Bleach to be bothered trying to catch up.

Exactly the same for me on both counts!

My Madoka BD arrived on Monday, appearance is the same as pictured with the exception that Disc 2 is Homura is now and all 3 discs have a extra 'label' saying not for sale outside of UK & Ireland. Guess Kyoko loses out, not on the cover and doesn't even have a disc now.