Can't confirm nor deny: the November 2014 edition.
◄ Kill La Kill volume 1 BD CE: Can't confirm nor deny currently! There's an Anime Ltd battle going on in my head featuring this title.
It's still early days for Kill La Kill on the UK shores and little is known about the next volume as of yet as well, I just hope volume 1 won't sell out in the next few months.
However, I'll repeat after myself that €150-ish will be a lot for me to put down in total for the amount of episodes I'd be getting. And I have no hope for Christmas presents, so don't tell me to ask it for Christmas.
◄ Ghost in the Shell ARISE part 1BD: I really don't know, Funimation's set is locked to A and I'm more likely to watch the dub anyway. But since this is Ghost in the Shell something better will come out eventually.
◄ Bayonetta Bloody Fate CE: You can take that offer somewhere else, Manga.
*choir in the background singing the unspoken* (Not targeting Jeremy of course)
◄ Dragon Ball season 5: "I Really Don't Care" - season 5.
◄ Blast of Tempest part 1 DVD: No, thanks. Kind of expecting Aniplex to pull an Aniplex on us, because they're Aniplex. Not complex at all.
◄ Nekomonogatari White BD: I hope Aniplex release a Monogatari Second Season boxset down the line so MVM can release it as well ... Until then Monogatari will be an unlikely acquisition of mine sadly.
◄ Samurai Champloo BD: I'm on the fence about this one. I loved Samurai Champloo! I definitely want to buy it. But even though there's no disc count logo on the spine/front, the cover itself isn't to be called great either way.
(I know the Japanese didn't allow the usage of a different cover though) Yet ... I don't know about importing it either
(as was the original plan before MVM announced it). I'm fairly convinced this is a title that definitely will get relicensed by Anime Ltd or somebody else giving it more what it deserves in the long run.
◄ Spirited Away combopack: Never watched anything Ghibli, don't have any plans either.