New Anime Releases 20/04/2009

It really feels as though Revelation ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time with regards to Funimation's strategies. They picked up a lot of "B" series and put them out in the unpopular singles format just when things had swung heavily towards series sets and their slowing down after biting off more than they could chew initially meant that even the people who had put money into buying their expensive singles were left waiting a ridiculous length of time for an ending. Meanwhile being so backlogged trying to finish up even those old shows (which will cost less for a full season R1 set than for the last volumes, by the time they come out) stops them making any new, exciting announcements, so people who weren't after their current shows lost interest too.

Then Manga swooped in and started putting out half season Funimation show sets for the same (or less) than Revelation's single volumes. Given how many anime and manga series have been cancelled lately, the value of knowing the whole thing will be released in one or two sets is a great comfort to me as a buyer so I'm more likely to get behind this kind of release for what might be to me a "B" series.

It's interesting that in the US, I really feel that Funi's aggressive strategy has pushed them far into the lead (almost out of nowhere) in anime distribution. And here in the UK, it seems to be Manga calling the shots and pushing everyone else towards higher episode counts. The little guys seem to be responding in various ways. I hope Revelation manage to sort themselves out and carve out their own niche in the market here again.

Just Passing Through said:
I'm certainly not saying that Revelation are going anywhere. I do think that they are living within their means though, only releasing titles when they can afford to release them.
My apologies. Think i might have read a bit too much into your previous post.

I wonder what sort of strategy is this that has 1 year between singles. Even the most patient of us, wouldn't want to wait 5 / 6 years to complete a series =(
So what the heck's going on with School Rumble Vol.4 then?
I've had it on order for months, and Anime-on-Line still lists it as pre-release.

Is it delayed or should I re-order?
All of Revelation's next unreleased anime, Beck V5, Suzuka V5, School Rumble V4 and Hell Girl V4 has a placeholder release date on Amazon of January 2010. You can expect that to change.

As I mentioned previously Mushishi finishes next month, and Peach Girl in August. No news of what will happen after August.

Speculating, if Revelation continue exactly the way they are going, there will be just one more new, single volume in November. Of course, after summer, things might pick up for them and they might speed up their release schedule.

The best thing to do is to wait for Anime Expo and see what they announce.