New Anime Releases - 19/07/2015

Ah dammit shame about Nisekoi being sub only. Boooo same with Amnesia too! lol.

I'd get Bleach but I'm so far behind, I need Season 12 onwards haha.
I am happy in principle that MVM gave Amnesia a BluRay release but I thought the show itself was so terrible that I wouldn't even buy it on DOTW. If they bring over more otome series *coughUtaPricough* then I'll gladly buy them, but not this one.
Nisekoi could be the first anime blu-ray that I buy in ten months, depending on how Kazé's release fares once copies are in peoples' hands. I really do want to own the series on home video, but at the same time, I don't think I could justify Aniplex USA's prices.