New Anime Releases 07/01/2013

britguy said:
Agreed, but this time It's not just that, i think the character design look atrocious.
Definitely. Which, put with MVM's usual bad designs...

Needless Part 2 is even worse...I'd hate to be that poor girl's chiropractor.
Joshawott said:
britguy said:
Agreed, but this time It's not just that, i think the character design look atrocious.
Definitely. Which, put with MVM's usual bad designs...

Needless Part 2 is even worse...I'd hate to be that poor girl's chiropractor.

its not just that the characters are just plan idiotic and f***ings cruel and awful, i thought i was going to get something like gurren largann but instead i get a bad series
The characters in Needless look alot better in the anime then on that cover it wasn't great but it had it's funny moments. Surprised it's only a 15 though its pretty loli heavy from the start the big dude is a total lolicon.