New Anime Releases - 03/05/2015

Already have Shana as part releases.

Log Horizon looks interesting and so will be added to my list to buy at somepoint
I'll get Log as a complete set.
I enjoyed the first season of Shana, but that was a long time ago now and I'm not such a big fan of shounen anime anymore so I'll leave season 2 until I get around to rewatching the first season at some point.
So, I now have the Shana set - on the plus side, it is actually a new set, so all four discs housed in one regular sized DVD case - saving shelf space.

But the downside - I think this is probably MVM's worst looking cover art in ages; that 'complete series' font tacked on the front looks really cheap and the duplicated text on the back is just shocking. I understand mistakes happen, but tbh this one takes it to new levels.
Will pick up the Blu-rays of Log Horizon once part 2 has been released.

Already own the individual parts of Shana season 2.