New Anime Releases 03/05/2010


Stand User
New Anime release been released today:

Fate/stay night 5#

RRP: £15.99


Paranoia Agent: Complete Collection
RRP: £29.99



Romeo X Juliet 4#
RRP: £15.99

To those who haven't watched Paranoia Agent, I recommend it of my whole heart. :)
It was one of the first anime series I bought and also one of my favourites.
Does Parnoia Agent still have that edit in there? Because I'm not bying it's still got that edit in there.

Happy Family Planing is critical to life.
JohnC said:
What edit? I have the older box, but I wasn't aware of an edit.

The BBFC cut one small scene because it didn't comply. Wasn't that much, just the removal of a hanging scene.

Does Parnoia Agent still have that edit in there? Because I'm not bying it's still got that edit in there.

A shallow minded approach, it was omitted not because MVM wanted to but because they had to. If you like it and can afford it then buy it.
Mort Kildebaek said:
To those who haven't watched Paranoia Agent, I recommend it of my whole heart. :)
Even the ventricles? I advise you abstain from using them to provide recommendation; they ought to be occupied by channeling ones lifeblood instead.
Durial666 said:
JohnC said:
What edit? I have the older box, but I wasn't aware of an edit.

The BBFC cut one small scene because it didn't comply. Wasn't that much, just the removal of a hanging scene.

1 minute 20 seconds from a 24 minute episode is that much, especially as the cut affects the story. It is a big point, and the BBFC pretty much killed that episode in my view.

I'd buy the set, and import volume 3 from Australia (for PAL) or the US as well. It's about £15 odd quid on those price comparison websites...

about $8 at Right Stuf, which takes it to $18 with P & P around £12

£17.99 from PlayUSA
£18.99 from
Zin5ki said:
Mort Kildebaek said:
To those who haven't watched Paranoia Agent, I recommend it of my whole heart. :)
Even the ventricles? I advise you abstain from using them to provide recommendation; they ought to be occupied by channeling ones lifeblood instead.
haha, don't forget the Vena Cava and Aorta either :wink:
Durial666 said:
A shallow minded approach, it was omitted not because MVM wanted to but because they had to. If you like it and can afford it then buy it.
I don't see what difference it makes who was responsible for the cut. It's a fairly substantial cut of an important scene and I can understand why someone would be reluctant to buy the DVDs because of it.
I have the R1 singles of PA, and will be getting the R1 for RxJ (singles feels like a downgrade, especially in shelf space terms). Not sure about F S/N - might grab it in a sale one day but it has never really appealed.

Lum's thighs are distracting, in a pleasant way.
