MyM, a new magazine focusing on Anime, Manga and Games will apparently be launching in the UK on 3rd May, being sold at WH Smith and independent newsagents for £3.45.
The magazine will be previewed at the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford on 18th February. The magazine will be published by Tarik Alozdi. A website will launch at and it's twitter has already opened. Suggestions about content can be sent to
MyM, a new magazine focusing on Anime, Manga and Games will apparently be launching in the UK on 3rd May, being sold at WH Smith and independent newsagents for £3.45.
The magazine will be previewed at the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford on 18th February. The magazine will be published by Tarik Alozdi. A website will launch at and it's twitter has already opened. Suggestions about content can be sent to