New Anime/Manga/Game Magazine to launch


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
MyM, a new magazine focusing on Anime, Manga and Games will apparently be launching in the UK on 3rd May, being sold at WH Smith and independent newsagents for £3.45.

The magazine will be previewed at the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford on 18th February. The magazine will be published by Tarik Alozdi. A website will launch at and it's twitter has already opened. Suggestions about content can be sent to
Certainly sounds interesting, and at £3.45 it's certainly cheaper than NEO (although how long that price will last for I don't know).
I wish them well, but can't help but wonder if trying to launch a new print magazine in this day and age is really a good idea.
Price is at least a bit more competitive. Plenty of magazines out there that do survive, and with good reason, but I think the problem is more the audience, and to some extent the content although I am being slightly presumptuous there, that they will be shooting for in terms of "why you will be losing out to online".
MrLaserSharkKH said:
If it appears in my hometown, I'm buying just to try!

Judging by what Joshawott says, probably best to go down you local branch of WHSmith. Good job for me there's two in my local area (one in Stockton, one in Middlesbrough).
I think it's a good move.

Anything that raises the profile of anime or at least keeps it constant is a good thing in my book. Sounds like a direct rival to NEO, which isn't a bad idea. After all, if NEO can survive this long, why not the new kid on the block?

I do wonder what the balance of content will be, though. if it's even enough, there's always the possibility that it'll attract a few casual fans or create new ones.
I'll be willing to give it a chance once more is known about it. I use to be a Neo reader till they went through their 'Let's make everything Japanese phrase' which seems to make it more white and dull...