New Anime Manga Cafe Open soon in Fleetwood,near Blackpool!

blue lotus

Completely Average High School Student
Hi this is not spam! I am opening a manga/anime cafe in Fleetwood near Blackpool,in the cafe there will be Anime running constantly on a T.V. reading material will be available on all fronts, all your favourites will be available! its a place to meet and have a general chill! we also have internet access in the establishment! membership is free however there is a nominal charge for entry e.g a day pass is £5 and "Once you pay you can stay all day!" there are different levels of passes check out our web site, (under the "Blue Lotus" heading!) That will answer all your questions again if you want to chat about the place and when it opens see the "contact Lunar page" for our contact details or E-mail me I look forward to hearing from you! our grand opening will have a crazy theme! you can dress up as your fave Anime/Manga character and maybe win a prize!
Oh refreshments will be available sweets, drinks and plenty of other items! we are new so our range of refreshments will grow bear with us! we will also be getting in performers on certain nights Aswell not sure who yet still working things out lol any suggestions would be gratefully received!
Hi there Blue Lotus, this sounds interesting. I looked at your website, and I was impressed.. So, where exactly in town are you? Your website says Adelaide Street, is that near to the Market?
Nighteyes said:
Hi there Blue Lotus, this sounds interesting. I looked at your website, and I was impressed.. So, where exactly in town are you? Your website says Adelaide Street, is that near to the Market?

You could just provide us with this information yourself and save the tired advertising routine. At least post from different IP addresses! :)
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Paul just straight up pwnt the topic creator
Nah, he actually owned himself by posting on two different accounts with the same IP address... the internet is getting dumber.
oh well

It don't matter really just a friend wanting to help me out and yes it was a little silly but I am fairly computer illiterate ( My attempt at a website speaks for itself!)as far as I know I am the only place in the Lancashire area like this hmm maybe I wasted my money attempting to make a decent place for Anime/manga fans like myself to meet ,then again people seem to just wanna sit round insulting each other at a screen look I have made a real effort for yourselves and you are right maybe it is dumb to try and spark interest and get a few people coming down but if I am that dumb maybe I should just sell up and pocket my extremely lucrative business I built from a few old computer games? speak to a few of my customers it's a great place to be, kids and adults alike love it I can't believe how hostile the internet is :(
Instead of hating try coming down to meet us at Lunar/Blue Lotus cheers.
Re: oh well

blue lotus said:
It don't matter really just a friend wanting to help me out and yes it was a little silly but I am fairly computer illiterate ( My attempt at a website speaks for itself!)as far as I know I am the only place in the Lancashire area like this hmm maybe I wasted my money attempting to make a decent place for Anime/manga fans like myself to meet ,then again people seem to just wanna sit round insulting each other at a screen look I have made a real effort for yourselves and you are right maybe it is dumb to try and spark interest and get a few people coming down but if I am that dumb maybe I should just sell up and pocket my extremely lucrative business I built from a few old computer games? speak to a few of my customers it's a great place to be, kids and adults alike love it I can't believe how hostile the internet is :(
Instead of hating try coming down to meet us at Lunar/Blue Lotus cheers.

There is no need to get defensive. The actual idea of an Anime Manga Cafe up North is a fine idea and I intend to mention it in a news post later this evening, hopefully that'll send a few extra customers your way. Good luck, I hope it's a success for you.

And my complaint was not that you're trying to spark in interest in all this, it was the poor attempt at viral marketing, which running a site like Anime UK News, I'm getting used to seeing. You don't need to register an extra account to ask these questions - just provide a short FAQ in your original post and we'll have all the information we need, just don't try to hoodwink us.
Ok thanks

Thanks sorry for the poor attempt at internet marketing! I have tried to get on the search engines (I even paid for a so called automatic search engine submitter!) nothing happened and when I complained they said it was tough and said it wasn't guaranteed!!?? the other account is a true account as I said it is my best mate rick! I honestly wasn't attempting to deceive just trying to spark a bit of interest so Anyway all are welcome and the opening date should be the second Saturday of August I t Will be great! (hopefully I am very nervous) cheers Alan
Ok any questions I will gladly answer!

Hi there the D.S. Wi-fi pass allows you to come into the upstairs of the shop (at the front) and use the wi-fi at the shop! for a week you would not have access to the anime cafe to use that facility it is £5 a day/or whatever level pass you purchase , if you have the Wi-fi pass you can play friends or others at the shop the WEP key is changed on a weekly basis thus a new pass is required each week we change the key last thing Sunday night so Monday to Monday is the week the shop is always busy at the moment and the more the merrier! You would (if you want!) be allowed to duel the staff at yu-gi-oh or MTG! if you play those games hope this answers your question thanks for the interest! maybe see you there!
Don't worry!

There is a huge following in the fylde! don't worry ;) I take it you are a younger anime fan or just short of cash? I have had a couple from Kendal coming down for the opening of the anime cafe it will (hopefully be booming!) the local media should be covering things so keep an eye on us cheers and speak to ya soon! :)
Re: Don't worry!

blue lotus said:
There is a huge following in the fylde! don't worry ;) I take it you are a younger anime fan or just short of cash? I have had a couple from Kendal coming down for the opening of the anime cafe it will (hopefully be booming!) the local media should be covering things so keep an eye on us cheers and speak to ya soon! :)

25 is hardly young :p and it's alot easy getting to fleetwood from kendal than it is from Warton, trust me it's hard enough getting to Bispham ^^, but if i ever find my way up there i'll probually check it out.

If your looking for places to advertise, i know UCLAN in preston have an anime sociaty (which is on break till september sometime)
Sounds interesting. Unfortuantly I live in London and it would probably cost as much as 2 anime boxsets for me to get to Blackpool :(
But if I lived up that way I would check your opening out for sure.
Sakimori said:
Sounds interesting. Unfortuantly I live in London and it would probably cost as much as 2 anime boxsets for me to get to Blackpool :(
But if I lived up that way I would check your opening out for sure.

put it this way, to get a train from London to Blackpool return you could afford 4 boxset XD, this is why i hate expo's being down south
Ryo Chan said:
Sakimori said:
Sounds interesting. Unfortuantly I live in London and it would probably cost as much as 2 anime boxsets for me to get to Blackpool :(
But if I lived up that way I would check your opening out for sure.

put it this way, to get a train from London to Blackpool return you could afford 4 boxset XD, this is why i hate expo's being down south

That would seroiusly not surprise me, Train fees are a total rip off. But this site isn't the place to rant about train fees. But isn't there an Expo in the midlands in September?