Negima volume 6 (spoiler) Review


Brigade Leader
The School Trip arc has been very interesting, so I was eager to read volume 6. Not only did I find this the best volume of the trilogy, but Del Rey has taken the plunge and made this an "otaku-friendly" translation which hardcore fans will appreciate, but normal fans will get into as well considering how much it adds to the translation.

Negi and his group of girls (including Asakura) head back to the temple where Negi delivers his letter to the head of the temple, who also happens to be Konoka-chan's father. He accepts, but unfortunately the enemies that have been fighting with Negi, Asuna, and Se-chan have a powerful new ally who has the form of a blonde-haired boy in a school uniform. He overcomes the temple's natural defenses including those of Konoka's father. Despite Asuna's best efforts, she is unable to keep the boy from kidnapping Konoka, though she is able to resist his petrifaction spell at the cost of her clothes. In attempting to rescue Konoka, Se-chan, Asuna, and Negi have to face scores of summoned demons. In order to rescue Konoka and fight the demons, Se-chan and Negi form a pactio so that she and Asuna can fight while Negi rescues Konoka.

The reasons behind Konoka's kidnapping become clear as Negi's enemies intend to unseal a powerful demon that nearly destroyed the world centuries ago. The battle looks grim until Yue, who's discovered the truth, contacts Kaede, the powerful ninja in the class. Kaede and her allies Fei Ku (who knows powerful Chinese martial arts) and Tatsumiya (who is an expert with guns and who's bullets have been enchanted) provide cover for Negi, Asuna, and Se-chan. Se-chan reveals a secret about herself as she rescues Konoka, while Negi is saved from death by an unexpected source. With so many allies, can Negi now defeat the unsealed mega-demon?

I have to say that this is my favorite volume of the series to date. This is aided by Del Rey's decision to take the plunge and make the translation a bit more otaku-ish in nature. This means that the various forms for "big brother" and "big sister" are left un-translated. Each form has a different feeling and while someone like me may understand it, newbies may not. That's not a problem because Del Rey gives an explanation as to why they are doing it. I think they should have gone into a bit greater detail on the differences, but I won't complain. Regardless, it adds depth to characters, primarily Chamo-kun who uses them the most.

Another interesting item was when one charater calls Negi "böya". This is Engrish for "boy", and I think they've been translating it as "kid" in earlier volumes. However, leaving "böya" un-translated gives so much sass to the character saying it that completely belongs! Obviously, the new staff in charge of "Negima!" understood this and I applaud Del Rey for this! Del Rey also left Greek, Latin, and Japanese in the manga when spells were cast. This gives it a more interesting flavor since it comes off more like spell-casting. Del Rey has complete explanations at the end of each chapter which I liked better than having the spell lexicon at the end of the manga.

Finally, Del Rey has a really cool extra (beyond the standard extras) which has Akamatsu-sensei's original artwork for the various tankoubon covers (front and back) and include his notes. Tama-chan from "Love Hina" shows up in the notes and Akamatsu-sensei hints at a link between Motoko from "Love Hina" and Se-chan. Very cool!

Bottom line: Clearly, Del Rey understands the manga market with this volume of "Negima!" and it shows. Combine that with Akamatsu-sensei's great story and this became the best volume to date!
Yeah this volume has def been the best so far! Negi is maturing all the time, and his and Asunas relantionship seems to be growing all the time.

Also what does Asuna notice when they are looking at Negis dads gangs pic? Something to do with her dead parents methinks.....hmm

Can't wait to see the aftermath when they get back to school in the next volume! And i wana see what Se-Chan and Konokas prov cards look like and what powers they poesses.