Need to free up HDD space - What to watch first?

Zen 2nd said:
Dracos said:
Have not watched that many of the series you list myself but:

GiTS - just because it is GiTS. Its a pretty good series so it is worth a watch

Love Hina - I enjoyed this above standard harem comedy, many polorized opinions on here though. You must first shut down your brain and enjoy this show for what it is.

Noir - Can't remember much but I enjoyed it, nowhere near as much fan service as Najica. Female spy anime, if you watch it and like it give Madlax a go. You have to watch all of NOIR to get the full impact of the series, even the first few episodes which just seem to be constant gun fights.

Read or Die - I think the OAV is better than the series but both are worth the watch. The OAV is set before the TV series so it might be a good idea to watch the OAV first as characters in the OAV pop up in the TV series.

Witch Hunter Robin - I quite liked this some good ideas but can be a bit slow, If you like it you can get the anime legends set pretty cheap. I felt this show to be very slow at the start, its only half way through do you care for the characters situation.

Forgot to mention that about Read Or Die, you pretty much have to watch the OAV first as it does set things up.

Noir is one of those series that you do need to watch carefully as things come back and it suddenly takes off in a different direction towards the end.

There is definitely more action in the second half of the series of Witch Hunter Robin.
My recommendation would be Twelve Kingdoms, an excellent series.
You also mentioned in an earlier post that you are looking for the Gunslinger Girl box set, for around £15, if you are still interested have it up for £15.93 at the moment.
I got an email from Find-DVD about that earlier. When I said I wanted the set, I'd forgotten about already owning Vol. 2 - I watched the entire series on my computer when I had part of the series on DVD already. >_< It's annoying when the box set looks very cool.