Need to decide on a next gen console..


Due to some annoying reasons, I will have no access to next gen consoles as of the 22nd..

I need to decide which one to buy for myself..

Wii - MP3: Corrupton, Brawl, Twilight Princess, maybe RE4
PS3 - Ratchat and Clank Future, FFXIII, Oblivion
X360 - Halo 3

Any suggestions?
I would sayPS3 and Wii. Don't matter which order. They both still need to take effect.

If your planning on going in Microsoft's direction, You apparently won't get lengthy life plan the other two have. :S.

Its a personal 'gaming' decision. :D I guess.

Lastly. If worse comes to worse and you need a XBOX. Get the Elite. XD.
you mean cause i'm heading out to Uni Daggar and will be taking the Wii and 360? XD your choice after all, but i would go with the cheaper options at least until you get a way to earn some money.
Well i'd personally go with the PS3, but only cause i have one hehe.

From a financial stand point the Wii is the most obvious one, but im hearing more and more stories of people getting tired of the novelty and trading it in for x or y. Then again if you love your nintendo games its backcatalogue will entertain you while you wait for games you want to play to come out.

The PS3 is the investment choice/test of faith. A lot of people are expecting it to flop but its starting to fight back - it comes with so many features (60GB+ hard drive, twin HD aerial freeview, wireless, media hub, blu ray player, free online gaming, CURES CANCER :p ) its just unreal. When you take into account the amount of things it comes with you can at least understand the price even if you dont wish for some of them. Oh and 10 years support is always nice.

The 360....well i had bad experiences with it but apparently the red light of doom error has been fixed now. Its got a hellofalot of titles because of its near 2 year head start, so it seems to be the "PS2" of the next gen consoles - average hardware, tons of games - some good some bad.

Overall its pretty simple to choose really - if you're a casual gamer/nintendo fan the Wii is the one, if you're more of a hardcore gamer /sony fan go with the PS3 and if you fall inbetween/love halo go with the 360.

What kind of games are you into? Cause that (duh) is gonna be your main incentive to get x console.
Depends what your into, each console has its gems. Wii has the games you've mentioned and a few more, but not many. PS3 is also like the wii, its got some good games and a lot of bad games.
I would take a 360 over my wii or ps3 anyday. Its got the biggest selection of games, and in less than a month halo 3...need I say more?
Daggar said:
Due to some annoying reasons, I will have no access to next gen consoles as of the 22nd..

I need to decide which one to buy for myself..

Wii - MP3: Corrupton, Brawl, Twilight Princess, maybe RE4
PS3 - Ratchat and Clank Future, FFXIII, Oblivion
X360 - Halo 3

Any suggestions?

Okay, firstly Oblivion is not an exclusive game so you could also get it on the PC or 360, so unless you're trying to secretly convince yourself and us to buy a PS3 then there's not much point in listing it for the PS3. Secondly, it would help if you told us what kind of games you mainly enjoy playing, so we can give you some proper advice on a console to buy instead of something bland like "PS3 and 360 sux Wii is the best."

What you should really be asking yourself is which of those three consoles you want most right now, and what you should be asking this forum is if the console you're thinking of buying suits your gaming needs compared to the competition. For example, if the only reason you can think of to buy an Xbox 360 is Halo3, when it has the biggest selection of games thus fas then I think that pretty much confirms that you're not interested in the 360 at all, and we can strike that out of our calculations instantly.

So that leaves us with the PS3 and Wii. Now you have a choice between the PS3 which is the techno powerhouse, your standard next-gen console with a legion of upcoming games that look great fun (but sadly aren't exclusives) or the Nintendo Wii, trying to be a bit more innovative but sacrificing those all-important geekdom points which are gained based on how powerful your company's hardware is, in this case not very powerful at all.

Still, you'll have a nice selection of first party games like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and then you realise first party is pretty much all you're getting for now. Until Nintendo starts getting some third party support like everyone else in the world, the Wii won't be any good for anything other than playing the age-old franchises Nintendo has been dishing out for decades, namely Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc.

Pick the console that suits your expectations as a gamer the best.
I know that Oblivion is not exclusive, Arbalest has it on the 360.. But technically , it is cheaper on PS3 due to haveing Knights of the Round build it.

Looking from financial.. Wii may not be best choice, due the mass amount of games comeing out soon that I want for it.. Then again, The PS3 games mainkly come out year at the earliest.. So Wii is again the best choice.. Now I just need to find ~£180..
Daggar said:
I know that Oblivion is not exclusive, Arbalest has it on the 360.. But technically , it is cheaper on PS3 due to haveing Knights of the Round build it.

Looking from financial.. Wii may not be best choice, due the mass amount of games comeing out soon that I want for it.. Then again, The PS3 games mainkly come out year at the earliest.. So Wii is again the best choice.. Now I just need to find ~£180..

no technically it's cheaper on the PC as you can get legal mods to bring it up to knights of the round level :wink:
Daggar said:
I know that Oblivion is not exclusive, Arbalest has it on the 360.. But technically , it is cheaper on PS3 due to haveing Knights of the Round build it.

Looking from financial.. Wii may not be best choice, due the mass amount of games comeing out soon that I want for it.. Then again, The PS3 games mainkly come out year at the earliest.. So Wii is again the best choice.. Now I just need to find ~£180..

Hmm kinda, theres a hellofalot coming out this christmas annoyingly enough - admittedly quite a lot ship for 360 - Assassin's Creed and Army of Two are my favs. But you've got the exclusives like:

Heavenly Sword, The Darkness, Haze, Warhawk, GT5 Prologue (Still hoping that Sony keep up on their promise that its free) Folklore (a sleeper hit i reckon, really enjoyed the demo) Lair......Oh and the PSN games like Gripshift and Flow which are stupidly good value for money.
At the end of the day, get the console that shows your personality. No matter which one you pick, you're going to generally regret not owning the other two. So the best thing you can do is pick the one you feel you'll be most comfortable with, as it's inevitable not to be jealous of the other two's exclusive games at some point. This is why I always make sure I get all consoles available eventually, I can't stand the thought of knowing about a very good game but not being able to experience it.

Also, take online gaming into consideration. If you're into online gaming like myself, a 360 is the best choice, and the PS3 is slowly developing a nice service themselves. The Wii makes online gaming a bit annoying due to the friend codes, as not having a friends list does more damage than you'd generally expect.
Liquid Skin said:
Hmm kinda, theres a hellofalot coming out this christmas annoyingly enough - admittedly quite a lot ship for 360 - Assassin's Creed and Army of Two are my favs. But you've got the exclusives like:

Heavenly Sword, The Darkness, Haze, Warhawk, GT5 Prologue (Still hoping that Sony keep up on their promise that its free) Folklore (a sleeper hit i reckon, really enjoyed the demo) Lair......Oh and the PSN games like Gripshift and Flow which are stupidly good value for money.

I just want to get this off my chest because I spent fifteen minutes trying to convince someone else that Haze is not a PS3 exclusive. Please, please, please, keep in mind that Free Radical has only stated that they are currently only developing the game for the PS3. This is not because the game is exclusive, they haven't made any arrangements with Sony, it's simply their decision as a developer. I would like to clear this misconception with this quote from GameSpot:

Ubisoft has told GameSpot that First Radical's sci-fi first-person shooter Haze is now being planned solely for Sony's PlayStation 3 platform.

Originally, Haze was slated as a multiplatform release for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 this spring. However, in May, Ubisoft announced that the PS3 had become the "lead platform" for the title and that the game would be released in November only for the PS3. At that time, Ubisoft noted that "no exclusivity for any platform has been officially announced."
Today, Ubisoft amended its statement, saying that currently only the PS3 version of Free Radical's shooter is in development. The France-based publisher also noted that it was still leaving the door open in the future for "new partnerships," but currently the game is indeed only planned for the PS3. A spokesperson said, "The official statement on PC and Xbox 360 is that these platforms are not confirmed."

The Web sites of both Free Radical and the official Haze site now only list the PS3 version of the game.
Yeah i know, but its more or less assured that Haze will be only for the PS3 for at least a year or two, the same way that GTA was a exclusive on PS2.

I'm loving the look of Haze, 4 player co-op is highly underrated and the gameplay itself looks pretty solid, at least enough to set it slightly aside from the major influx of FPSs nowadays. Im also glad that for once the PS3 will have the superior game instead of having to make do with poor 360 ports, It'd be nice to see a 360 with a scaled down game for once!
Liquid Skin said:
Yeah i know, but its more or less assured that Haze will be only for the PS3 for at least a year or two, the same way that GTA was a exclusive on PS2.

Actually they've Canned Haze for anything but the ps3 now :(
Ryo Chan said:
Liquid Skin said:
Yeah i know, but its more or less assured that Haze will be only for the PS3 for at least a year or two, the same way that GTA was a exclusive on PS2.

Actually they've Canned Haze for anything but the ps3 now :(

:D and thats why once again I give a huge cheer for the PS3 and spit on the gitwizards at Microsoft trying to take over the world