elixEideJ said:
animefreak17 said:
if you want my advice, get her to watch *moribito*, its a perfect series, no fan service just a pure good story with good animation, great characters it just perfect,
Yeah that's a good idea. I forgot to mention Sword of the Stranger which she liked, mostly for the fight at the end, so Moribito and probably Samurai 7 should work.
Looking at your list at the start of this thread I think you should avoid Break Blade (fanservice) and NHK (some of the story is about erotic games so...)
Fruits Basket is a great idea, how could anyone not like that. How about Claymore, Darker Than Black, Planetes and Witch Hunter Robin?
brake blade has fan service??? * forgot it did thanks for that*
il give samural 7 a chance when we get around to it
about the NHK and genshiken i was thinking sbout showing her these for how the anime community works and a few other issues evolving anime and stuff but il show her this about i reach a certain amount of series,
fruits basket might be abit too............... comical, on the other hand if we look past the comedy she might like it, shes not that much keen on comedy * she a miserable lol * joking she likes laughing i saw she laugh in FMA and a few other scenes so i think fruits basket might be a yes,
il give the rest a thought
claymore is up her allie because she likes stuff about monsters and stuff
darker than black possibility
witch hunter robin possibility * she liked charmed *
planets * im not sure, it might be about how things might be in space but it really doesn't have a story to it, i mean it does but......... i not really sure she'll get in to it but its worth a try
sword of a stranger ........... yeah sounds right
if you've got it, watch romeo X juliet with her my mum said she loves the animation and the story so far, even tho i hate romance anime, romeo X juliet is an exception because of how it is and we all know the story,
funny thing - she knows romeo & juliet from the play and films but forgot exactly what happens in it, she knows they felll in love but the anime adaptation is different from the play * i wounder which adaptation she'll like better the anime or the original *