Need help choosing an anime to watch...

Monster is about a doctor who has to make a desicion early in his career, he can either save the life of a child or a rich old person, he goes for the child, then years later that child grows up to become an infamous serial kiler so the doctor vows to correct his mistake...

Actually it may be better for you to start her on the series then the movie for Ghost in the Shell, unless you don't think she'll mind seeing a naked motoko :p
BlackWolf said:
Monster is about a doctor who has to make a desicion early in his career, he can either save the life of a child or a rich old person, he goes for the child, then years later that child grows up to become an infamous serial kiler so the doctor vows to correct his mistake...

Actually it may be better for you to start her on the series then the movie for Ghost in the Shell, unless you don't think she'll mind seeing a naked motoko :p

:lol: Thats probably a good idea. I may look into Monster. Can you link to me to a picture of the Doctor and the Serial Killer?? So I can get an idea of the art like.
[Quote ANN Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, had it all: incredible skill at his work, a rich and beautiful fiancee, and a promising career at his hospital. However, after becoming disenchanted by hospital politics, he chose to save the life of a young boy who got shot in the head over the life of the mayor. As a result he lost the support of the hospital director, as well as his position in the hospital and his fiance. A short time later, the hospital director and the doctors that replaced him were murdered, and once again he was catapulted back onto the top. But as the chief suspect of the murders, Tenma did not get a easy life. As a matter of fact, it seems that the boy he saved was much more than he had appeared to be... Now to clear his name and to correct his past mistake, Tenma must get to the bottom of these and other murders, and investigate the truth of the Monster who is behind all of this. ]
It's a really good series (not quite as good as the manga) however it's moreod a drama/thriller than anything else. The only thing that mite put you off is the length. After hearing what ur misses is like, mite not be the best start for her.

If your talking gore, you could try her on Elfen Lied. She mite like that.

[Quote ANN The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet... ]

It's a marmite series like (love it or hate it). I loved it and I'm sure you will too (if you haven't seen it yet). Quite gory with a good story IMO.

Cowboy Bebop the movie can be watched as a stand alone movie, however, you would probably appreciate it more after watching the series coz then obviously you'll get the back ground of the charcters. This isn't required tho.

edit: Too slow, Black got there first :p
Sure here is the doctor:


(he's the one whose face you can clearly see)

And here is the serial killer


I think these are from the anime versions
Voddas said:
[Quote ANN The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet... ]

It's a marmite series like (love it or hate it). I loved it and I'm sure you will too (if you haven't seen it yet). Quite gory with a good story IMO.

For some reason Elfen Lied makes me think of a more gory and adult version of Chobits.
Only without robots, or panty stores.

Something like Druaga no To, which pretty much feels like you're playing some kind of rpg, or Claymore, about some half demon girls killing demons, while trying not to become demons them self.
Might not go amiss.
Archer112 said:
Voddas said:
[Quote ANN The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet... ]

It's a marmite series like (love it or hate it). I loved it and I'm sure you will too (if you haven't seen it yet). Quite gory with a good story IMO.

For some reason Elfen Lied makes me think of a more gory and adult version of Chobits.
Only without robots, or panty stores.

Something like Druaga no To, which pretty much feels like you're playing some kind of rpg, or Claymore, about some half demon girls killing demons, while trying not to become demons them self.
Might not go amiss.

For somereason reading your post reminded me of the .Hack/ anime, which could be something to try though its more likely to be confusing then rewarding
Spyro201 said:
I watched the Bebop Movie after the series, but seeing how awesome it is made me think it would be the perfect introductory anime for almost anyone.

Can I watch it before the series?? Thing is we really dont mind going through a series cause we meet up regularly enough, and it kinda gives a point of wanting to meet up, if you understand me.
You could watch it before the series. Continuity wise it comes between episodes 22 and 23, not at the end - but it's a side story not particularly related to any plot (Bebop isn't a plot heavy show anyway).
Voddas said:
[Quote ANN Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, had it all: incredible skill at his work, a rich and beautiful fiancee, and a promising career at his hospital. However, after becoming disenchanted by hospital politics, he chose to save the life of a young boy who got shot in the head over the life of the mayor. As a result he lost the support of the hospital director, as well as his position in the hospital and his fiance. A short time later, the hospital director and the doctors that replaced him were murdered, and once again he was catapulted back onto the top. But as the chief suspect of the murders, Tenma did not get a easy life. As a matter of fact, it seems that the boy he saved was much more than he had appeared to be... Now to clear his name and to correct his past mistake, Tenma must get to the bottom of these and other murders, and investigate the truth of the Monster who is behind all of this. ]
It's a really good series (not quite as good as the manga) however it's moreod a drama/thriller than anything else. The only thing that mite put you off is the length. After hearing what ur misses is like, mite not be the best start for her.

Well theres no harm in trying it. It sounds good, and i've heard it mentioned alot by people on here so i'll see if I can find it on IRC.

Voddas said:
If your talking gore, you could try her on Elfen Lied. She mite like that.

[Quote ANN The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet... ]

It's a marmite series like (love it or hate it). I loved it and I'm sure you will too (if you haven't seen it yet). Quite gory with a good story IMO.

Ah yes. I've seen about 5/13 of Elfen Lied (It says on MAL). I may try it, its just the nudity :lol:

Voddas said:
Cowboy Bebop the movie can be watched as a stand alone movie, however, you would probably appreciate it more after watching the series coz then obviously you'll get the back ground of the charcters. This isn't required tho.

edit: Too slow, Black got there first :p

Well then I may try and get hold on the Bebop series. I've been meaning to see it anyway :)

Watch Boku no Pico.

Which is...?? Your opinion on it??

You could watch it before the series. Continuity wise it comes between episodes 22 and 23, not at the end - but it's a side story not particularly related to any plot (Bebop isn't a plot heavy show anyway).

This further makes me wanna check out Bebop :)
Archer112 said:
BlackWolf said:
Spyro201 said:
Watch Boku no Pico.

Which is...?? Your opinion on it??

Trust me spyro you don't want to watch that one...well not with your girlfriend at least :wink: It starts with a 'H' and ends with a 'entai'
Isn't that title a Yaoi title....

In any case i don't think its for him :p

EDIT You're right i messed up :p doesn't happen all the time i swear...
BlackWolf said:
Archer112 said:
BlackWolf said:
Spyro201 said:
Watch Boku no Pico.

Which is...?? Your opinion on it??

Trust me spyro you don't want to watch that one...well not with your girlfriend at least :wink: It starts with a 'H' and ends with a 'entai'
Isn't that title a Yaoi title....

In any case i don't think its for him :p

EDIT You're right i messed up :p doesn't happen all the time i swear...
How do I even know that..... :oops:
Few more suggestions. For starters this like the Patlabor movies, Planetes, Area 88, Azumanga DiaohYugo the Negotiator(just the 1st arc) which all are fairly strait forward (ie most like something you could find as live action shows). Other more anime specific/weirder shows that are Macross Plus, FLCL, and of course Rahxephon.
hopeful_monster said:
Few more suggestions. For starters this like the Patlabor movies, Planetes, Area 88, Azumanga Diaoh Yugo the Negotiator(just the 1st arc) which all are fairly strait forward (ie most like something you could find as live action shows). Other more anime specific/weirder shows that are Macross Plus, FLCL, and of course Rahxephon.
Hmm... you see, I wouldn't reccommend Azumanga, because it's a bit of an aquired taste. If you're already an anime fan, and have got used to Japanese humour then it's great, but if not you might well be left feeling a bit confused, or just not know quite what to make of it.
hopeful_monster said:
I think this would be an awesome choice, Since its anime but extremely down-to-earth and plays out in a way which could have been done in Live Action. An extremely good starter for someone.

As for Monster, I don't think it would be a good starter. I didn't take to it (but I plan to watch it again). I think one like this would be much, much better to watch by yourself.

Errr.. Soul Eater, It might be a good choice but its nothing ground-breaking. Its pretty much a high-budget shonen fighter, but the characters are starting to let loose a bit more (I have 13 yet to watch). If you like Bleach for its Shinigami/Evil/Action (Ugh, Bleach is so not like that) you will probably like it.
Jayme said:
hopeful_monster said:
I think this would be an awesome choice, Since its anime but extremely down-to-earth and plays out in a way which could have been done in Live Action. An extremely good starter for someone.

I'll look up Planetes on Wiki/IRC now then :)

Jayme said:
As for Monster, I don't think it would be a good starter. I didn't take to it (but I plan to watch it again). I think one like this would be much, much better to watch by yourself.

I'll take a look anyway because its been highly reccomended by some people

Jayme said:
Errr.. Soul Eater, It might be a good choice but its nothing ground-breaking. Its pretty much a high-budget shonen fighter, but the characters are starting to let loose a bit more (I have 13 yet to watch). If you like Bleach for its Shinigami/Evil/Action (Ugh, Bleach is so not like that) you will probably like it.

I like Bleach :lol:
I have a tendency to agree with hopeful monster on Azumanga, Yugo, then with a few ghibli recommended earlier like Princess Mononoke (it's the best ghibli ever, really).
Oh my goddess is prety funny, with no nudity (as far as I remember). the adventures of the mini goddesses laways bring a smile to my face. any other series, depends very much on what she likes.

Monster is a good series and maybe Uzumaki or vampire princess miyu if she likes horror... I think hellsing or elfen lied is a bit too gory for her yet...