Optimum releasing has sent out a release list of upcoming Blu-ray releases due in October, and among them is Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, scheduled for release on the 18th of October.
ayase said:Just time to post a quick "Helll yes" before heading back to work. Helll yes because my iPod changes the correct spelling to he'll automatically and I don't know how to stop it.
Seriously? I hadn't heard about that. The AnimeOnDVD denizens must be spitting blood.Just Passing Through said:And some US anime BDs now come with forced English subtitles, with the Japanese audio to deter reverse importation.
If it comes in a Ponyo deluxe style box, count me in. Though this trend towards combo packs is going to leave me with a lot of coasters which never see the inside of a DVD player.kupocake said:Movie Nausicaa is ok... I'll need to see a Blu-Ray / DVD combo though.
fabricatedlunatic said:Most of the US anime studios are region locking their BDs as well. I thought it would be less of an issue what with the US and Japan sharing the same region this time around, but that's not the case.
I'm not sure what's going on with Funimation. Some of their releases (including FMA: Brotherhood and Ouran) are A & B, but a lot of them aren't. I'm hearing that Casshern Sins is region A only, which has thwarted my plan to import it. Sigh.Project-2501 said:Funi seem to be unlocking them now.