Naruto uk release


Completely Average High School Student
Is there any news on when the gollancz version of the naruto manga is released?
I really wanna start reading it an all teh shops i look for it in have volumes 5-12 but never 1
Have you asked if your local book shop can order it for you? I get some of my imported manga that way (through my local Borders). It doesn't cost any extra, and as long as the stores suppliers have it in stock, it should be in store within two weeks.
Of course, if you are near enough to any such shops, Travelling Man or Forbidden Planet will definitely have it in stock or at the very least be able to get it.
I've seen the Naruto manga on sale in a branch of Otta...Waterstones that used to Ottakars along with Bleach, FMA and YYH amongst other title. I didn't notice whether or not it was Gollanz or Viz as when I noticed the price was more than other SJ/Gollanz titles I lost interest and decided to stick to United Publications.
Ginji: those would all be the Viz release. I've seen Viz imports of Naruto at several branches of Waterstones.

roymustang69011: if there's a shop near you with the later volumes then they'll probably be willing to order the earlier volumes for you, for the same price
well good news Forbidden planet are saving it for me when there next shipment comes in...finally!
hopefully naruto gollzncz edition is released soon though it would make it a hell of a lot easier to get new volumes
roymustang69011 said:
well good news Forbidden planet are saving it for me when there next shipment comes in...finally!
hopefully naruto gollzncz edition is released soon though it would make it a hell of a lot easier to get new volumes

That shouldn't take too long - if your FP are like the one in Glasgow, they'll get Naruto in pretty much every week!