Naruto Shippuden Season 1 & Soul Eater box set artwork

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Student Council President
As you can see

The box arts have been confirmed.
What do you guys think of them.

Plus one PICKY question

The Naruto Box set is 52 episodes long, but 1-26 is Season 1 and then 27-52 is Season 2. I don't like the fact how they done this and the should have just called it Box Set 1.

I know Region 1 did the same with there volumes Box Set 1/Part 1 - 4 and the new box set now coming out they just going to call it box set 5, similar what they did to there Bleach box sets.
Re: Naruto Shippuden Season 1 & Soul Eater box set artwo

BDT87 said:
The box arts have been confirmed.
What do you guys think of them.
I'm pretty sure they were posted in the general "UK boxart" thread. As I said in there, the Soul Eater boxart certainly wouldn't put me off buying it, if I was going to. The Naruto one, I'm not so sure on.
how come naruto dvds don't have textless opening endings anymore? Noticed they stopped doing them half way through the 1st series. will probably end up buying both when price is right.
Southe said:
how come naruto dvds don't have textless opening endings anymore? Noticed they stopped doing them half way through the 1st series. will probably end up buying both when price is right.

I have seaSons 1-7 and only season has a textless OP, PLUS THE SAME TRAILERS EVERY SET
Hmm. Im tempted to get the naruto box set, i was pretty disappointed with the first 13 episodes, especially after paying £20 for them (i had a voucher to use or something) and i decided to not carry on with the series. However the price for this isnt too bad so i may consider it if i have any money when it comes out :)
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