Naruto Graphic Novel Boxset (1-27)

damn happened to me again, first i baught the first 3 death note manga then i look on ebay and see the whole set for £50
i got the first 6 of naruto and now this im sure viz hates me
Espy said:
Yeah, some company has been importing and sticking new barcodes on them. Aside from that, you can get American volumes from any comic book shop and most book shops, if you have sense.

So, it hasn't actually been officially released in the UK yet?

Sy said:
Yes, I can. But in the case of the Death Note anime it's not needed to enhance the story or characters and is just played on to pander to certain parts of the fanbase.

Eh, unless you are ridiculously homophobic or something, that's hardly a major negative for the Death Note anime, is it? And besides there are numourous fanservice panels in the manga (so I've heard) of Misa and one of the female bodyguards. But, whatever, it's just that such an attitude is a little annoying but let's just leave it.

Since you've already seen the anime version why not go for the manga version instead if you're thinking of picking up the series in some form? It's an overall good adaption but some things just seemed to work better on paper.

Well, I saw the anime online, so I'm going to buy the DVDs when they are released, anyway. I found the anime to be amazingly well done, so I think I'll be getting the DVDs for sure. I want to know if it's worthwhile to own both the anime and the manga?
CitizenGeek said:
I want to know if it's worthwhile to own both the anime and the manga?

I'm probably planning to pick up the anime as well, So Yes and No, Its worthwhile to own both but there are little to no serious differences, Pick up just the last volume if you want to see how it was meant to end. . I guess.
CitizenGeek said:
Espy said:
Yeah, some company has been importing and sticking new barcodes on them. Aside from that, you can get American volumes from any comic book shop and most book shops, if you have sense.

So, it hasn't actually been officially released in the UK yet?

No, it hasn't actually been officially printed in the UK (and probably never will be). But they are being distributed by a UK company and you can get them in most bookshops. I saw a Naruto stand in Borders the other day.
I think simon and schuster have officially released it in uk, the naruto stand in my borders has free naruto bookmarks with the release shceldule on the back. Also according to neo mag, viz are also releasing bleach, death note and shaman king over here. Also borders used to stock alot of american volumes of bleach, naruto and death note, now they've only got 1-3, which is according to the schedule, correct.
CitizenGeek said:
Eh, unless you are ridiculously homophobic or something, that's hardly a major negative for the Death Note anime, is it?
No it isn't a major thing but it still irks me a little knowing it was added for please some of the fanbase.
CitizenGeek said:
But, whatever, it's just that such an attitude is a little annoying but let's just leave it.
You know what's a little more annoying? Your constant efforts to make a so called 'debate' out of nothing. Once in a while maybe just accepting other peoples opinions is the better thing to do rather than dragging topics down. I'm not saying any more on this but you can carry on calling me a homophobe or whatever if you really want.
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
Eh, unless you are ridiculously homophobic or something, that's hardly a major negative for the Death Note anime, is it?
No it isn't a major thing but it still irks me a little knowing it was added for please some of the fanbase.

But, there's fanservice of female characters to please some of the fanbase, too - why isn't that a problem?

You know what's a little more annoying? Your constant efforts to make a so called 'debate' out of nothing. Once in a while maybe just accepting other peoples opinions is the better thing to do rather than dragging topics down. I'm not saying any more on this but you can carry on calling me a homophobe or whatever if you really want.

It's as much my right to argue against your opinion, as it is yours to post your opinion. If you don't like it, then just avoid forums or something!

I never called you a homophobe - I wouldn't care if you were! I was just puzzled that you seemed to highlight a lack of potential homoeroticsm as a plus for the manga. It just seemed very, very peculiar is all!
It was a harmless comment. Just the first thing about the difference between the anime and manga that popped into my head. You just seem to love derailing topics for the sake of a 'debate'.

Are we done? If you want to carry on then do it in PM's because i'm sure Paul doesn't appreciate this. That is unless you need an audience?
Naruto is actually much more popular in the US than I knew! There are American children visiting my neighbours, and they have loads of Naruto stuff. I also read an interview with one of Viz's top women on ICv2, and she made it very clear that Naruto was the overwhelming focus of their operations.

Sy said:
It was a harmless comment. Just the first thing about the difference between the anime and manga that popped into my head.

Well, if that's the biggest difference you noticed, then I guess there's really no difference at all between the anime and manga?

You just seem to love derailing topics for the sake of a 'debate'.

No, I don't. You made a disagreeable comment, deal with it.

Are we done? If you want to carry on then do it in PM's. That is unless you need an audience?

Oh no, it's fine. I think we're done ^_^
CitizenGeek said:
Sy said:
It was a harmless comment. Just the first thing about the difference between the anime and manga that popped into my head.

Well, if that's the biggest difference you noticed, then I guess there's really no difference at all between the anime and manga?

There IS a BIG different between the anime and manga. But they are subtle, The manga seemed to be better executed rather than the anime etc.

If you are after a completely different storyline, Like what happened with FMA, You have run out of luck. Deal with it
FFS, CitizenGeek, you need to chill with the debates. One person's throwaway comment isn't your chance to type an essay. I agree with Sy on that respect. I cannot be bothered to read your opinions on whatever you're argueing over to see if I agree with him on what you're argueing over.

A Naruto box is being released. That is the point of this topic. Do it over PM if you must.
Espy said:
FFS, CitizenGeek, you need to chill with the debates. One person's throwaway comment isn't your chance to type an essay. I agree with Sy on that respect. I cannot be bothered to read your opinions on whatever you're argueing over to see if I agree with him on what you're argueing over.

I said I was finished with it. You're the one bringing it back up. If someone wants to make a throwaway comment I find disagreeable, then why shouldn't I reply? As for off-topicness, Sy made no mention of Naruto in that questionable post. I think you actually should read through these things, Espy ;]
Sy wasn't the one that caused the topic to spiral into a debate. It's natural for conversation to progress in a topic, but to turn it into a huge debate (about something hardly related to the topic, might I add) is just frustrating for everyone else. Yes, you have a right to disagree, but you don't need to act on that right every time. Especially when we're talking about Naruto.
Espy said:
Sy wasn't the one that caused the topic to spiral into a debate. It's natural for conversation to progress in a topic, but to turn it into a huge debate (about something hardly related to the topic, might I add) is just frustrating for everyone else. Yes, you have a right to disagree, but you don't need to act on that right every time. Especially when we're talking about Naruto.

Oh, boo hoo! If you can't handle a debate every now and again, then why do you bother with forums? If someone makes a disagreeable comment in response to one of my posts, then why shouldn't I reply?

We're (obviously!) not talking about Naruto, we were talking about other Viz manga that could potentially get the box set treatment.

Seriously, why the need for such melodrama over a little debate?
CitizenGeek said:
every now and again


The point I'm making is that you live and breathe debates and it's very annoying for everyone else to scroll through your essays.

What's funny is you're turning this into a debate.
Espy said:
The point I'm making is that you live and breathe debates and it's very annoying for everyone else to scroll through your essays.

Eh, so? Isn't that one of the functions of an internet forum - to be a stage for debate?

But, actually, you know what! I'm ever so sorry for excercising this important facet of a forum - the half a second you've wasted scrolling through one of my posts is obviously too massive an inconvience. Please forgive me! (Yes, that's sarcasm, Espy ;])

What's funny is you're turning this into a debate.

What's funny is, I was finished with the debate. You were the person who dragged it up and started acting like a harmless debate was the end of the world. Seriously, just deal with it - it's not that hard!
Just... don't debate so much. Yes, you can debate on the internet. I'm merely saying you don't need to do it so often. I never started up a debate, I just told you to stop debating at every pindrop. You, however, wanted to convey your opinion on the matter. Also known as debating.