Nakama Britannica podcast ep 3! - Escaflowne

Professor Irony

Podcast Ep3 - Escaflowne

And so we're back with an all new episode of the Nakama Britannica podcast. In this installment, we take some time to introduce ourselves (finally) and also discuss Sunrise's classic tv series, The Vision of Escaflowne.

00.00 - Preamble (Yakitori - Yoko Kanno)

00.45 - Introcast!

At last, we get around to explaining who we are, how we got here and what exactly happened to those listener questions...

24.27 - Catgirls, Love Triangle, Mecha: The Vision of Escaflowne (Yakusoku wa Iranai - Maaya Sakamoto)

Having thus far avoided any attempts at franchise revival, the once ubiquitous Vision of Escaflowne has begun to fade from view of the contemporary anime fanbase. Fifteen years after its original release and amid increasing criticism, we discuss whether it still has anything to offer the modern fan.

We're joined on this one by our forum guest, ConanThe3rd. (

1.30.55 - Epilogue (Forces - Susumu Hirasawa)

Massive thanks also due to daichi383 for his help with the editing on this one.

Edit: Apologies for the drop in quality during the second half, we haven't gotten all the bugs out of the process yet.
/mumbles something about iTunes feed

Probably won't get around to listening to this until the end of the week, looking forward to it though.
I has downloaded.

When the Prof said "I will maim those who slight Dominion" (or words to that effect) there was a chill down my spine as I anticipated a name-and-shame. Appreciate the restraint :p
ilmaestro said:
/mumbles something about iTunes feed

It's in the works, but I'm afraid it's not quite there yet. The first episode is actually up on iTunes at the moment though.

fabricatedlunatic said:
When the Prof said "I will maim those who slight Dominion" (or words to that effect) there was a chill down my spine as I anticipated a name-and-shame. Appreciate the restraint :p

Heh - I would never be so crass, sir.
An interesting listen, but unfortunately it's been too long since I watched Escaflowne (over 10 years) for me to fully understand everything you were talking about.

Also unfortunate is that the thing I remember most about Escaflowne is Hitomi doing not a lot except incessantly shout/scream the names of her two love interests. Indeed, whenever I so much as think of Escaflowne, "VAN! ALLEN-SAN!" is the first thing that comes to mind. Which is a shame because the show is beautifully designed, majestically scored (Prof you so crazy), and has an epic sweep that puts to shame most adventure and fantasy shows that have followed. Perhaps a rewatch is in order.

It's a shame, then, that all US and UK DVD releases look like crap. This and Bebop are the anime shows most deserving of a remaster.

Oh, and after listening to Vivi's comments about the ED I 'tubed it to refresh my memory, and I have to agree that it is dreadful - ending songs are supposed to be reflective and melancholy, damn it! Definitely the worst of Escaflowne apart from Hitomi's name-calling fetish.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Oh, and after listening to Vivi's comments about the ED I 'tubed it to refresh my memory, and I have to agree that it is dreadful - ending songs are supposed to be reflective and melancholy, damn it! Definitely the worst of Escaflowne apart from Hitomi's name-calling fetish.

I bought the single of the ED and it sits beside my desk to this day; the only Escaflowne music I own. I am a terrible human being.

(In my defence I didn't actually like the show much until Allen got more screen time, so the ED got me through the boring first episodes >_>; it actually took me two separate watches many years apart to finish the series due to wanting to punch Hitomi and/or Van every few minutes.)

I really enjoyed this podcast. You chaps have upped your game yet again. And yes, the recent Beez release has an utterly appalling cover. I wish they delivered it in a brown paper bag.
I enjoyed the podcast, quite enjoyed the banter and the discussion, sounded a lot of fun to take part in!

I last watched Escaflowne about a year and a bit back, and yeah it's staggering just how BAD the UK DVDs are, I think they're actually the worst official release I've seen. As the podcast commented, it looked like it had been ripped (poorly) from VHS, utterly terrible for an official release. The dodgy copies of Escaflowne out there actually look far better than the legitimate copy which is wrong on a whole lot of levels.
Rui said:
I bought the single of the ED and it sits beside my desk to this day; the only Escaflowne music I own. I am a terrible human being.
Yes. Yes you are. But wanting to punch Hitomi earns you partial redemption.

I'd like to point out that this habit I have of trampling all over your favourite things isn't something I'm doing on purpose. No, really :p
We know it's been a while coming, but we at AUKN give to you our third podcast, this time covering Escaflowne as our main topic of discussion, and&nbsp;joining us for this podcast is forum member ConanThe3rd whilst i take a backseat. We hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to leave us&nbsp;any feedback you have for us! You can find the link to the <a href=" ">episode 3&nbsp;here</a>.

Also, we'd also like to announce that&nbsp;all our episodes will also be available through itunes soon enough. You can find episode one already there, and we'll announce when our next two episodes are available on there as well. Again, you can find the itunes link <a href="">here</a>
Just an update on the itunes bit. All 3 episodes are now available on there for you to download and enjoy. The link is in my post above for those that want it.