My webcomic - Japanofail


Magical Girl
I've been working on a little webcomic for the last few months after a couple years of doing nothing. Each update is a seperate 4-koma joke thingy, so if you don't like one keep going as the next one will be completely different! ^_^

I'm not the greatest artist, but I hope a couple people enjoy some of the jokes. :)

And now for a pimp! :twisted: (I have checked ahead, and it's cool that I can do this..)

I've gone ahead and printed this out as a hardcopy comic which I'll be selling at Ayacon (only on Sunday!). I also intend to be at the October Expo (the last Expo was my first time selling comics ever, so I'm still a newbie!). So if anyone like my stuff enough, or prefers not to read comics on a computer screen, it does exist in the real world!

Alternatively for those who can't make it to events but are still interested, I've made a little Paypal shoppy thing. It looks a bit naff, but it does the job! :3

Cheers for looking, I hope people enjoy my somewhat jaded sense of humour. :twisted:
Checked through a fair bit of it and it's pretty funny, in fact some of it is downright hilarious. Since I'm on DD I've faved it, so I'll definitely continue following it.

Good stuff anyways =)
I only read through the first four pages, and none made me chuckle but nowadays it's rare for even my favourite online comics to make me laugh out loud. I think this comic is above average which I hope you take as the compliment it's meant to be. Keep'em coming, each one made me 'heh' if you know what I mean, so sooner or later I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of me. :]
Really nice! I love reading 4koma and you have the style of the humour down mixed with your own perspective and cute, simple art style. I also respect that you put up a fair bit of content before publicising it so the visit was fun :)

Keep it up!

Thanks for all the positive vibes everyone! I'm always a bit nervous before I show people my stuff as you can never predict the response, but any positive support is appreciated! ^^

I aim to update every Friday, and my backlog of completed strips is almost out. I've got to do more asap! X3

Wildcard: Thanks for the add on Drunkduck, always nice to see other people who do comics. Congrats on the feature as well!

Chaos: By all means add my blog, though I've not said much of interest there or a while, hehe.

Without feedback like this, I often lose the will. You guys are teh awesome! ;-D