My anime blog

Genkina Hito said:
I love it. Cool design and the writing is great plus you update regularly and on a large variety of topics. It makes my blog look absolutely pedestrian :oops:

I'm going to have to spruce the place up.

Your blog is great, give yourself more credit! I wish I could subscribe by email though, then I could comment on it regularly. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Most of the time you don't hear from the people viewing it.
NihongoJournals said:
Hey guys, I have an anime blog called Nihongo Journals.

It is full of reviews and tidbits on Japanese culture. Come and visit.

Also if you could tell me what you think here that would be great. I can always do better and would love to know how.

Very Nice, If you want you might be able to add it to our blog portal:

Just contact chaos about it this email address: [email protected]

If interest just wait a bit to send an email as chaos is currently in Japan at the moment.
Neferpitou said:
NihongoJournals said:
Hey guys, I have an anime blog called Nihongo Journals.

It is full of reviews and tidbits on Japanese culture. Come and visit.

Also if you could tell me what you think here that would be great. I can always do better and would love to know how.

Very Nice, If you want you might be able to add it to our blog portal:

Just contact chaos about it this email address: [email protected]

If interest just wait a bit to send an email as chaos is currently in Japan at the moment.

Thank you, I will email them soon!
NihongoJournals said:
Genkina Hito said:
I love it. Cool design and the writing is great plus you update regularly and on a large variety of topics. It makes my blog look absolutely pedestrian :oops:

I'm going to have to spruce the place up.

Your blog is great, give yourself more credit! I wish I could subscribe by email though, then I could comment on it regularly. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Most of the time you don't hear from the people viewing it.

Thanks for the kind words.

I still spruced the place up and added that subscription button. As much as I like Kino's Journey, that header and background theme were a placeholder because I had changed themes.

Anyway, I liked your vlogs which added to the interactivity on your site. Nice touch with Girls Generation, by the way. Do you speak Japanese? I only ask because you have an interest in the culture and hiragana dotted around your blog.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I’ll be sure to comment on your blog.

Oh, and welcome to the forum, nice to speak to you!

Nihongo-san, よろしく おねがいします!
Genkina Hito said:
NihongoJournals said:
Genkina Hito said:
I love it. Cool design and the writing is great plus you update regularly and on a large variety of topics. It makes my blog look absolutely pedestrian :oops:

I'm going to have to spruce the place up.

Your blog is great, give yourself more credit! I wish I could subscribe by email though, then I could comment on it regularly. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Most of the time you don't hear from the people viewing it.

Thanks for the kind words.

I still spruced the place up and added that subscription button. As much as I like Kino's Journey, that header and background theme were a placeholder because I had changed themes.

Anyway, I liked your vlogs which added to the interactivity on your site. Nice touch with Girls Generation, by the way. Do you speak Japanese? I only ask because you have an interest in the culture and hiragana dotted around your blog.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I’ll be sure to comment on your blog.

Oh, and welcome to the forum, nice to speak to you!

Nihongo-san, よろしく おねがいします!

Oh wow it looks really clean, I like it. I have subscribed as well. I find that the subscribe really helps. Mostly because people check their emails regularly so it is the best way to receive updates. Along with twitter. Do you have that?

Thank you so much, I am hoping to do some more video reviews like that and other video posts. I have ordered a DVD/CD ROM because my netbook has no CD drive, then I will be able to do the video posts. I have plenty of ideas.

I don't actually speak Japanese. I have been trying though. I never seem to be able to find the time. I am hoping to do it properly once I finish university next year.

I will be keeping up to date with your blog. It has been nice talking to you too.
NihongoJournals said:
Thanks for the kind words.

Oh wow it looks really clean, I like it. I have subscribed as well. I find that the subscribe really helps. Mostly because people check their emails regularly so it is the best way to receive updates. Along with twitter. Do you have that?

Thank you so much, I am hoping to do some more video reviews like that and other video posts. I have ordered a DVD/CD ROM because my netbook has no CD drive, then I will be able to do the video posts. I have plenty of ideas.

I don't actually speak Japanese. I have been trying though. I never seem to be able to find the time. I am hoping to do it properly once I finish university next year.

I will be keeping up to date with your blog. It has been nice talking to you too.

I'm thinking about getting Twitter just to take this blogging thing seriously (better blogs use it plus it's a great way of finding out about secret events like press conferences). The important thing is to up the quality of my writing and the amount I post.

I think you have it about right in terms of the number of different reviews and the quality of writing.

I look forward to more of your video reviews (great editing) and as far as Japanese goes, it's a rewarding language to learn - tough at first and you'll find that you still don't get most of what is being said in an anime - but very worthwhile.