Mugshots: Post your Pic!


Guild Member
With the upcoming LondonExpo meet seemingly being the first of this forum (I found not records of previous meets looking back, but lots of old Expo thread for this Expo.) many of us are sure to not have seen the faces of each other. So I propose we post pictures of ourselves so that we may recognise each other when we meet at Expo. I think this would be a good way to find each other. :)


I'm not actually fiery in colour, mind. My hair is also shorter now too.
I don't have a photo or able to put a photo on here. But if your at the Expo on the sunday, and see a girl with a fringe and looong dark brown hair in a pony-tail, walking around with 2 girls, that'll be me. Okay, that could be anyone..but that's the best i can do.
I am still unsure about going..but it is growing more and more likely that i am going..but i don't have a picture of myself...mind you i don't think you will need one..i am pretty easy to see, since i have this somewhat bright shade of ginger hair thats sooo noticable...and er...thats my excuse really :D , oh and that i don't have one of me as i don't like pictures is my other excuse...
Tis me, a complete poser, please bear in mind my hair will be lighter when im at the expo due to exposure of sun :D Tis a webcam pic so please excuse the green lighting


I look a right cow and I HAD to pose lol
its good that everryone who has put a pic on here has picked one that doesnt make themselves look stupid i have a few of me that i dont want people to see lol
Sorry I'd been watching Pimp my Ride UK! lot, to mock Mr Westwood :oops:


Ooooh don't I look angry! I'm nice really, no, honest!