Most underrated & overrated actor/actress


Post here who you think are the most overrated and underrated actors and actresses of hollywood and TV.

Most overrated I'd say was Marlon Brando or Al Pacino, theres nothing special about them yet everyone classes them as 'the greatest ever'

Most underrated I'd say was John C McGinley (Dr. Cox from Scrubs) he (from my knowledge) has never been nominated or won and award, yet his part in Scrubs is top class. Also Brad Pitt, yes I know hes well known, but only well known for his looks and not his acting which I pritty dam good, Se7en, Fight Club, Snatch his acting is better than most.

None particularly come to mind.


Jeff Goldblum - I love his style of acting, he has that extra something that actors never seem to have.

Kevin James
- Helped into stardom by close friend Ray Romano, however this is stupid seeing as how Kevin is a million times funnier than Ray, and his humour is different to normal sitcoms. His funny noises being a great example.

John C McGinley - Like xelis, I would definitly have to say this guy is under-rated.

His ability to pinch off huge amounts of material at a very sarcastic tone and consistency is truly a refined quality. It's a shame he isn't in bigger projects.
Hyaku said:
John C McGinley - Like xelis, I would definitly have to say this guy is under-rated.

His ability to pinch off huge amounts of material at a very sarcastic tone and consistency is truly a refined quality. It's a shame he isn't in bigger projects.

Saying this bigger things might be heading his way after his recent performance in Wild Hogs which i personally didn't see much of a point to be seemed to do extremely well over in the States.
9tailsfox said:
i have to say that kevin spacey is very underrated
Seconded. He does get a lot of recognition but still not as much as he deserves. I'd also add Gary Oldman, Naomi Watts, Ken Watanabe and David Jason.

Overrated? Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. They're in pretty much everything these days but I can't see why everyone makes such a fuss over them.
Jennifer Aniston, i feel is very overrated. All her films are basically the same; yet for some odd reason i tend to want to watch her films.

Actually Kyle Gass from Tenacious D, doesn't get much recognition, its Jack Black band(TV show, Movie) and he seems to treat him equal, just doesn't really live the same lifestyle as the almighty JB.

I had someone else to post with a better idea, but i cant remember who or what it was, I ****** up. But instead as you can see i put KG there. Live and let Live.
Jayme said:
Jennifer Aniston, i feel is very overrated. All her films are basically the same; yet for some odd reason i tend to want to watch her films.

Actually Kyle Gass from Tenacious D, doesn't get much recognition, its Jack Black band(TV show, Movie) and he seems to treat him equal, just doesn't really live the same lifestyle as the almighty JB.

I had someone else to post with a better idea, but i cant remember who or what it was, I ****** up. But instead as you can see i put KG there. Live and let Live.

KG is'nt really under-rated if he doesn't offer anything unique to his field.

He's exactly where he should be.
Xelis said:
Also Brad Pitt, yes I know hes well known, but only well known for his looks and not his acting which I pritty dam good, Se7en, Fight Club, Snatch his acting is better than most.

I notice that you did not list Troy! He was bloody awful in that!