More ADV UK complete collections?


Ghost of Animes
In addition to the new ADV series announced at AyaCon (Area 88 TV, Cromartie High School, Gilgamesh), EyeonAnime are reporting that ADV are tentatively planning UK releases for a BoogiePop Phantom "complete" collection (as well as the live-action movie) and possibly a Noir complete collection too (based on the US "thin pack" box design). Gatchaman (a.k.a. Battle of the Planets) is also being considered for an eventual UK DVD release.
I'm quite interested in the Boogiepop Live action Movie. I enjoyed the series a great deal so I'd like to seem more of the rather warped world of Boogiepop.

A Noir complete collection is good so more people can experience how great it is :p
I will deffinately be looking at getting the Boogipop collection, as I have heard alot about it but never actually seen it...
These are both complete collections I'm very interested in, especially Boogiepop. It'd be nice to eventually see one for RahXephon too.

I'm not really sure about them considering releasing Gatchaman over here. From a personal point of view, I can't really see the appeal but then, it seems to have a bit of a cult following here (appearing in that C4 Top 100 cartoons for a start).
I'll allmost definetly buy both, I prefer buying box sets, Ill allways forget to buy them when there being released volume by volume.
Boogiepop is a series I've yet to invest in, so the prospect of a complete collection is welcome news. And hopefully these two complete collections are a sign that more might be in the works to mirror the US thinpack releases.

Mangaminx said:
A Noir complete collection is good so more people can experience how great it is :p

Couldn't agree more... :D
Those look like something I'd probably get when they're eventually released. I've heard alot of good things about both shows and have wanted to check them out and a boxset would be cheaper.
I'm glad to see more complete collections from ADV, but I think they might go the route of ADV UK and release Complete Collections without extras
i been trying find out about the live action boogiepop phantom movie i knew they had made one but its great to hear about boogiepop phantom, i think it was one of the series like noir that was overlooked by my view really
a Noir perfect collection would indeed get more people into the series, but the thought of a Boogiebop box interests me even more since i don't already have it. i was expecting an Excel Saga box set when Poemy came out but sadly that hasn't happened.

either way, it's good to see ADV making the effort with complete collections.
hmm i think both od these collection will do well as they are serie that both did well and seire alor of people missed out on.
I's say we'll see Excel soon enough, i'd love to see RahXephon get a boxset and FMP aswell, wouldn't be that much work given thats there are US thin-paks like the Noir one to base them on
Ah I prefer them , and I quite like ADV's new way (in the US at least) of taking the extras out of the slimpaks, but making them cheaper. If you want the extras you buy the individual discs.
Shelf space is at a premium for me, which makes thinpacks all the more attractive, and for the most part I don't mind doing without the extras (Azumanga being the exception). And of course, getting an entire series for £25-30 is a bonus too.
i quite like the idea of slimpaks actually...mainly because they save precious shelf space. and if the price is lower so much the better! ;)
Great news, I 'll definitely be picking up Boogiepop I've had my eye on the series for some time so this sounds perfect. A few thinpaks would also be great but I'm not sure I can stave off the craving to import Rahxephon long enough.

I got myself a FMP thinpak a few months back and have to say it's an extremely purdy lil set, you get an artbox with each individual vol in its own nice sleek amaray, plus they save on shelf space which is always a bonus.......saying that I do like the standard boxsets just as much, but if a thin paks means I can get it for half the price I'm more than happy. ;)
I like the idea of more UK boxsets since there doesn't seem to be many as there is, and slimpaks sound good purely for being cheaper, since i usually only have the money to buy series volume buy volume, but i do like the look of a nice boxset (even though they don't fit in my dvd rack)
I'll definatly get the Boogiepop, I haven't seen it since so long ago and would love to have the DVDs.

The Noir, RahXephon and FMP thinpacks I've long considered selling the individual DVDs and purchasing instead. Those three retain the extras, plus come in a great looking and compact box, so they'd be great to own.

I hope even more companies jump onto the thinpack bandwagon that ADV created; it's a way great to shift more copies while also being a worthwhile addition to an anime collection and the perfect way to watch an entire series episode-after-episode.

The prospect of UK slimpacks is an exciting development indeed, and if these initial releases are a success, we can most likely except more compressed boxset goodness.