Misaki Chronicles


Way, way back in the mists of time, (or at least what seems like it). I recieved Misaki Chronicles, (the followup to Divergance Eve), on DVD import, and a few of you were interesting in it and wanted me to post what I thought after watching it. Well, thanks to real life creeping up and hitting me over the head with a cricket bat, :? I havn't had the chance untill now, so here we go. (And once again, sorry about the wait. :oops: )

Also, i'm going to try and keep this spoiler free, so it might be a bit cryptic.

First off, if you havn't seen Divergance Eve, you more than likely won't have a clue what this series is going on about. (And you shouldn't be reading this anyway.)

If you 'have' seen Divergance Eve, you'll know roughly how bizzare this story is going to be, and you 'still' more than likely won't have a clue what this series is going on about. :wink:

If you liked Divergance Eve, then you'll like Misaki Chronicles, it pics up exactly where Eve left off, and if you were to run all the episodes back to back without the opening and closing credits, you would swear it was just a single series you were watching.

The characters still have breasts that defy the laws of physics, there's the usual amount of fan service and the mechs still look like rejects off a TV game show, but that never seems to detract from the brain-bending-ness of the story. :D

If you don't like story's that 'do your head in', then stay well away, because basically, take a bucket of Weird, add a glass of strange, stir in copious amounts of W-T-F, and you end up with the Misaki Chronicles. :D

And as for the ending... Lets just say, It's 'as' weird, if not weirder than the one in Divergance Eve. :shock:


Right now i'm off to catch up on all the posts I missed while I was ill.