I'm Back
Another great weekend from the Minami Con event, it was a brilliant weekend and I am well and truely shattered.
Anime a brilliant selection of anime on display including series like Black Lagoon, Bleach, 6 whole eps of The Melancholi of Haruhi Suzuwara (sp?) plus the Full Metal Alchemist movie Conquerer of Shamballa.
Events Plenty to do this year as well, not just the evening parties and masquerades which had some amazing entries, including a 7ft tall Optimus Prime and Square Enix getting the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy treatment.
Sellers I sold a ton of crap this year at the bring and buy but then spent it all on a whole new lot of crap in the dealers room, including buying 2 new gundam models.
Games DDRUK hosted the games room which had everything from the new guitar hero to Dance Revolution to a nintendo Wii.
I also bought my tickets for next year as it is one of the best anime cons in the UK and the small size definately makes it easier to meet people and even get your input into whats going on