Methods of reading Manga/books


Well, I just spent a good while at the hospital, waiting for my dad to do some tests there. We knew it's take some time, so Ryo and I took some manga with us and read while we waited.
Through-out that time, I read about 1/2 a manga of Negima... Not only do I think it was money going down the toilet, my head felt like a balloon taking in too much air.

So, now that I went through that, I thought to myself, "Not doing that again... I wonder how everyone else reads?"

So here we are! This is a topic for all to post any of the below:
1) Post how you usually read - what conditions do you prefer to read in; where/when/how much/certain books at certain time or place etc.

2) Any questions/answers to problems with reading - Ask and answer questions for odd occations for reading, or how to enjoy it more etc. E.g. hiding manga from sneering eyes, drink while reading for long periods etc.

I'll go 1st.
I prefer to read in my bedroom, sitting up in my bed with the cover keeping 1/2 my body warm. I usually have 3 pillows (top one "L" shaped for such purposes) to support my back. I don't have a lamp, but the studio-like lights for the room are good enough to see clearly.
I usually read 2 chapters (3 at most) a day, so I feel more value goes in buying the manga.
As for times, usually when I'm bored and that's spontanious. Usually takes me around 15 mins to read a chapter, which I'm guessing is quite slow.
I cant read in a quiet place it drives me crazy. I must either have the Tv on or listen to music. I cannot read while sitting or standing I must be laid down with my blanket. I always have a nice cup of tea next to me when im reading and I only read in the dark with my light on. The only exception for me reading my manga sat up is if m on a train ride or on the bus.
I like to read in bed before I sleep as it's the only thing I can do at night which won't wake anybody else up. I don't like to read with the TV on or anything so it's nice to not have any disctractions.
Chaz said:
I'll go 1st.
I prefer to read in my bedroom, sitting up in my bed with the cover keeping 1/2 my body warm. I usually have 3 pillows (top one "L" shaped for such purposes) to support my back. I don't have a lamp, but the studio-like lights for the room are good enough to see clearly.
I usually read 2 chapters (3 at most) a day, so I feel more value goes in buying the manga.
As for times, usually when I'm bored and that's spontanious. Usually takes me around 15 mins to read a chapter, which I'm guessing is quite slow.

i am the exact same as you lol.
well i dont always cover half my body with the blanket/cover. and i always put the lamp on (its near the bed)
and also, if i pick it up, i will read almost the whole book....(well there may be around 3 remaining chapters)
I read mine either in bed before I go to sleep or at points during the day whilst the TV/computer are on in the background. I don't have any weird specifications like 'I must have two pillows behind my ass and a pile of chocolate next to my left hand' but I prefer to read it in my room rather than anywhere else. 8)

I normally read 2-3 chapters at a time, so it can take around 3 days to finish the book. Thrilling, I know.
I usually read books while I am at work, or waiting for something/someone, I rarely read them at home as I have my PS2 and dvd's to entertain me.

I tend to read mangas in one go, I hate leaving a manga half finished as then I have to start it from scratch the next time I pick it up. I also read series together, so I can't switch to another manga until I have read all the volumes I own of the current one I am reading.
I read them on my bed. In my room. In my house. Since my bookshelf with all my anime and manga crap is next to the bed, y'see.
Lupus Inu said:
I read them on my bed. In my room. In my house. Since my bookshelf with all my anime and manga crap is next to the bed, y'see.

I tend to read on my bed too, especially when my gf is watching the evils of soaps
Lying down in bed or on the toilet.

I read until I get unbearably tired, or start to get numb from the toilet seat.
Aaron said:
Lying down in bed or on the toilet.

I read until I get unbearably tired, or start to get numb from the toilet seat.
I bet your the kind of person that hogs the bathroom for an hour in the morning... ;)
Much like napping will and can do it anywhere (except in a car. For reading, no problem napping). Also read while doing other things, such as watching TV or playing games. Things like Civ or Oblivion where there a gaps in gameplay are good examples.
When it's summer or sunny I'll try my best to find somewhere quiet outside to read, when at home I normally read in my room cuddled up on my beanbag and if at school, I hide in a corner of the art room ^_^ I read anywhere really, be it traveling or in one place.
Rolling Star said:
When it's summer or sunny I'll try my best to find somewhere quiet outside to read, when at home I normally read in my room cuddled up on my beanbag and if at school, I hide in a corner of the art room ^_^ I read anywhere really, be it traveling or in one place.
Heh, that actually sounds kool to me. 8) I dont usually carry my manga often because it's safe at home. But when I do, I'd most likely do something similar.
Only recently been reading manga but so far i find reading manga is a great way to finish the day off, usually read manga in bed where i can get comfy and away from the noise of the TV and computers, usually read about 4 chapters a day.

Tried reading manga at work during my lunch break but find there’s too many distractions to take it what i am reading :(.
Read whilst at home & work, normally where ever I can get comfy and there's no distractions. At work that's usually in my wagons cab and at home, either the kitchen or bedroom. A quick bedtime read normally ends up as a late night reading session, happily going through 4 or 5 volumes in a row.

Negima's a bit of an enigma for me. For most mangas I can plough though a volume in 35 - 50 min's, with Negima is more like 1hr 30... there's so much going on in each panel, it takes a couple of scans to make sure nothing's missed and the dialog has been read in the correct order. It’s hard going but so worth it.