Mel Gibson Recorded *Raging* At His Girlfriend


Recorded conversation between him and his girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, shiiiiiiiii- he's crazy

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Yeah, its ******* horrible to listen to. I was struggling at like, 2 minutes then realised I had loads left. Horrible horrible stuff.
Oh, I've read about this, but I haven't heard it yet. That's the reason I don't like gossip magazines. I'm sure that most of my movie / music "heroes" are not very nice people.
chaos said:
Oh, I've read about this, but I haven't heard it yet. That's the reason I don't like gossip magazines. I'm sure that most of my movie / music "heroes" are not very nice people.

To be fair, he's clearly stressed, you can tell by just hearing the breathing. He needs psychological help and I question if she recorded it as some sort of trap and diliberately kept herself calm to make herself sound good.. Who knows! I'm just looking at this from sides.
I believe she used entrapment here. If you listen to all of the tapes they start off when Mel is raging. Now, why not record it from the moment he phones you, why only let people hear from when he is kicking off?

My theory, she knows they're over and she's in this for all she can get. She phones him up when he's drunk, winds him up to a point where he begins getting abusive and then hits *record*. Listen to her, she is calm throughout, it's as if she's just staying on the line to get what she wants.

I couldn't care less though. There are far worse things someone could do than rant down the phone to his girlfriend. I don't see why he is being ostracised by his so called peers in hollywood at the moment.

I think Mel is a great actor and director. Edge of Darkness is one of the best films I have watched all year,
zeldafreak said:
My theory, she knows they're over and she's in this for all she can get. She phones him up when he's drunk, winds him up to a point where he begins getting abusive and then hits *record*. Listen to her, she is calm throughout, it's as if she's just staying on the line to get what she wants.

I couldn't care less though. There are far worse things someone could do than rant down the phone to his girlfriend. I don't see why he is being ostracised by his so called peers in hollywood at the moment.
She no doubt is in for the money and remains unusually calm (even if I do believe that is how some people handle situations like that) I stand by my opinion that you shouldn't speak to anyone in that manner.
Jayme said:
I stand by my opinion that you shouldn't speak to anyone in that manner.

Well it's a personal argument that was never meant to be and should never have been made public.

If you've been in a relationship that is ending badly you know how messy things get towards the end, and everyone, and I mean everyone will say things that they wouldn't normally say, I know I did and so did my ex in my last one.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, obviously it does, and I think I've been in arguments like that in the past (though considerably less volatile), but I still firmly believe that its just something you don't do. Whatever it is, you shouldn't get yourself wound up to that level of anger. Shouting is natural, but death threats (in that tone) I don't understand. You shouldn't have to fear for you life.

chaos said:
Jayme said:
I stand by my opinion that you shouldn't speak to anyone in that manner.
You have to meet my mum then...
My imagination is running wild. I've got the Tom and Jerry mother in my head, with the rolling pin smacking everything.
Jayme said:
chaos said:
Jayme said:
I stand by my opinion that you shouldn't speak to anyone in that manner.
You have to meet my mum then...
My imagination is running wild. I've got the Tom and Jerry mother in my head, with the rolling pin smacking everything.
Nah, she just have the superpowers to anoy the hell out of me... :p
Jayme said:
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, obviously it does, and I think I've been in arguments like that in the past (though considerably less volatile), but I still firmly believe that its just something you don't do. Whatever it is, you shouldn't get yourself wound up to that level of anger. Shouting is natural, but death threats (in that tone) I don't understand. You shouldn't have to fear for you life.

Wake up and look out at the real world. I'm not gonna be harsh on you because hell you're abut 18/19 right? You're still very young. What Mel has done is tame compared to things that really happen out there in the big bad world, which is why I have no idea why everyone is making such a big deal about it.

He mouths off at a woman who for all we know has been a complete bitch to him behind closed doors. We have only heard one side of the argument, and you know what, even if mel did come out and try to say his piece, no-one would listen because this poor russian had some bad things said to her.

If he was that much of a bastard he would've thrown her out on the street to fend for herself, yet in the tape he tells her she can still live in the house. Yes, this man is a monster. Lock him up and throw away the key.

**** YOU HOLLYWOOD!! Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and I bet half of those coming out and ******** on mel have done things just as bad, and are only too glad it isn't themselves being left out to dry.
Ugh. I know this ******* **** happens. It does. I accept it. I know worse stuff happens, but to justify it or say "its normal" is screwed up beyond belief.
Yes and to get your knickers in a twist and call it "horrible, horrible stuff" is an over exaggeration of how bad it is. He said some things in the heat of the moment. No public outcry is needed.

edit - Oh and I never said it was normal, so please do not use quote marks as If I did.
I think your reading into my words too much. You don't seem to care, I don't care - it was late at night and it made me cringe. End of story. The quote thing wasn't me quoting you either.
A lot of the stuff he said was clearly out of order. I would never speak like that to anyone, especially not someone I used to be in a relationship with.

Either way, it's still ridiculous how much everyone's going "Oh what a bastard" when countries are still refusing to extradite Roman Polanski. I mean it'd be one thing if he suspected of paedophilia like Micheal Jackson, but this man has been sentenced for several years and yet it seems to me like no one is speaking up about it anymore cause it happened so long ago.
Who gives a flying f*ck what someone none of us know said to someone else none of us know? I love the fact that people are actually arguing about this.

chaos said:
I'm sure that most people are not very nice people.
Fixed. :p