Manhunt 2 - BANNED

I very much doubt that i would of even thought about buying this game anyway,but it's still such a stupid decision.I mean,i can't feel much towards it,because as i said ithe game wouldn't interest me.But it's obvious quite a few people have been let down which i can sympathise with.
I have never played manhunt, and didn't intend to play this one either. The ban is stupid but i guess in a way not suprising.
Manhunt was ok not great but the sequel looks so much better and even has a storyline, will have to hope for some PAL versions from somewhere so I can import it
I dont particularly care about it either.

If the media didnt go into such a spin over it nobody would have cared about it and the game would have dived, end of discussion, no ranting politicians trying to ban games and blaming the current generation for all of humanity's problems. Everybody's happy.

I'm not really into ultra-violent games (aside from Dead Rising, hur hur hur zombies r fuuuunny) and Manhunt is just a spin off of GTA as far as im concerned - being controversial for the sake of being controversial.
Released with edit content sucks, so i will still be buying the US import as I refuse to let a bunch of old people ruin my gaming experience
It's not that I don't care about it, I'm a very curious gamer who has the urge to experience any and every game I can get my hands on. Yet, Manhunt wasn't all that amazing to me, and so I don't see enough reason to even consider the sequel. Especially when there's so many better upcoming games out there, Manhunt 2 is just one small fish in the sea.