Manga Software Question ^^;;


Completely Average High School Student
What computer software would you guys most recommend for colouring a manga/webcomic majigger?

I've checked Amazon and Photoshop is kinda expensive for me :lol: *Weeps* - But could I try using a different program like Paint Shop Pro? If anyone could give me advice that would be great ^^
I don't know about what is needed to do Manga, but you mentioned Paint Shop Pro.

A good alternative to this is which is currrently in Beta. I use it to do things like sigs and avatars, and although its not as good as other programs (because it is still in development) I have found it to be able to do everything I personally need. I don't particualy do anything fancy with it though, partly because I don't need to.

This is the website
I got Paint Shop Pro 8 for about £25. It does everything that I need, which is usually colouring drawings. I've used Photoshoop and theres not that much difference between them.
Photoshop is also very good but pretty expesive...I think you can download a free 30 day trial of it from the downloads section on though.
Photoshop is affordable so long as you buy secondhand/ older versions. version 7 upwards is perfectly useable.

Paint shop Pro is much more affordable, but does miss out on a few of the higher level manipulations. But not that much, so if you haven't already been trained in Photoshop, there's nothing wrong with Paintshop Pro.

GIMP ( the Gnu Image Manipulation Program) is a photoshop clone, written by a bunch of geeks who couldn't stnad the price of photoshop! XD it's pretty good, and does everything Photoshop can do. It just takes a while to get used to. it's FREE.
I personally use flash for colouring. Good greif though whatever you do don't use it to vectorise images, D: use another program for that....
Shafutard said:
I don't know about what is needed to do Manga, but you mentioned Paint Shop Pro.

A good alternative to this is which is currrently in Beta. I use it to do things like sigs and avatars, and although its not as good as other programs (because it is still in development) I have found it to be able to do everything I personally need. I don't particualy do anything fancy with it though, partly because I don't need to.

This is the website

I have that. I can also change Paint shop pro and photoshop brushes using I'm getting really good. I'm colouring in OC drawings with it now.