Manga Recomendations


Completely Average High School Student
Hey! I'm new to these forums but from what I've seen you guys give some pretty good advice.

I'm looking for a new manga series to read, doesn't matter how long. I'm really into the popular shonen titles from Viz so any recommendations for them would be welcome. Also, I'm interested in the M rated titles (yes, I'm already reading Berserk, lol) with lots of gore, don't judge me, lol! Also, any mangas that are weird or have an interesting and unconventional story would be great.

Whether it's a new series or a well established one, I'd be welcome to any suggestions. Below is a list of my current collection.

Naruto 1-27
Bleach 1-11
Togari 1-4
Berserk 1-2
Eyeshield 21 1-2
Monster 1-4
Demon Diary 1-4
Arm of Kannon 1-3
Battle Royale 1-2 (not interested anymore, sorry)
Shin Megami Tensei 1
Death Note 1-12
Ral & Grad 1
Saiyuki 1-2
Legal Drug 1

Plus some random ones- Lament of the Lamb 1, Le Chevalier Deon 1, Hoshin Engi 1, etc.

Cheers, guys.
Someone else that reads Togari cool.

Well as has been said in a similar topic have a look at some of the stuff Dark Horse are putting out at the moment. I keep mentioning it but I love it The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service.

Some other things I have enjoyed that might be okay for what your after:
Trinity Blood
Anna Freaks
Thanks for those recomendations. Yeah, Togari's ace! Only problem is they only released up to volume 8 in Japan with no solid ending (was supposed to be 10) so wonder what Viz will do...
fenwick said:
Thanks for those recomendations. Yeah, Togari's ace! Only problem is they only released up to volume 8 in Japan with no solid ending (was supposed to be 10) so wonder what Viz will do...

That's not good news about Togari. It is one of those series where they seemed to set it up to run for ages, which it could, but it would probably get samey and is not popular enough to manage more than 10-12 volumes.
CHeck out Gunsmith Cats by Dark horse its about a young bounty hunter in chicago who gets into the usual trouble. It has a lot of action and is a good manga to chill out with.
fenwick said:
Thanks for those recomendations. Yeah, Togari's ace! Only problem is they only released up to volume 8 in Japan with no solid ending (was supposed to be 10) so wonder what Viz will do...

:cry: Whaat Togari was cut short? I lieb Togari, that sucks.

If you want gore Fenwick, have you checked out MPD Psycho?

How about Gantz, Vagabond, and I definately second The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service it's sort of... laconic gore haha, I really like it. Or if you're keen on it being a viz title how about Bastard!! :D
It's easy to see that Kazushi Hagiwara used to be an assistant in a hentai manga with his suggestive "camera angles." A lot of people find it inferior to Berserk, but I find comparisons annoying and laugh my head off while reading.
Trigunette said:
fenwick said:
Thanks for those recomendations. Yeah, Togari's ace! Only problem is they only released up to volume 8 in Japan with no solid ending (was supposed to be 10) so wonder what Viz will do...

:cry: Whaat Togari was cut short? I lieb Togari, that sucks.

If you want gore Fenwick, have you checked out MPD Psycho?

How about Gantz, Vagabond, and I definately second The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service it's sort of... laconic gore haha, I really like it. Or if you're keen on it being a viz title how about Bastard!! :D
It's easy to see that Kazushi Hagiwara used to be an assistant in a hentai manga with his suggestive "camera angles." A lot of people find it inferior to Berserk, but I find comparisons annoying and laugh my head off while reading.

I love The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. I find it just so funny how they set everything up to make money out of their talents, yet they always seem to end up out of pocket because once they have started something they just can't seem to bring themselves to stop.

I've got vol 2 onwards of MPD Psycho sitting my draw at work waiting to be read as for some reason the vol 1 I had pre-ordered did not show up and when I tried picking it up I could not find it any where so I am having to wait for a re-stock. Pre-ordered Gantz the other day now the wait begins.

Del Ray have some pretty good stuff out one I am getting is Dragon Eye.
Dracos said:
I love The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. I find it just so funny how they set everything up to make money out of their talents, yet they always seem to end up out of pocket because once they have started something they just can't seem to bring themselves to stop.

I've got vol 2 onwards of MPD Psycho sitting my draw at work waiting to be read as for some reason the vol 1 I had pre-ordered did not show up and when I tried picking it up I could not find it any where so I am having to wait for a re-stock. Pre-ordered Gantz the other day now the wait begins.

Del Ray have some pretty good stuff out one I am getting is Dragon Eye.

Yeah Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service should get a whole lotta more love is my thinking. It's one of my current favorites.

That is the pits not finding volume one of MPD, I hope you find a copy soon, good ruck, it's a pain starting a new series without the beginning. Pretty engrossing and gruesome. I hope they keep it un-censored.

Oh you're getting Dragon Eye, how is it? I have the first three still waiting for me at the bottom of the second pile of unread manga. I read some comment somewhere that it was a poor man's Bleach. How's that hang?
I'm always on the look out for something new and Del Ray are ones to watch out for. Off bat the Del Ray I have/am collecting are Mushishi, Genshiken, My Heavenly Hockey Club, ES, Parasyte, and Wallflower. Any recs?
Trigunette said:
Yeah Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service should get a whole lotta more love is my thinking. It's one of my current favorites.

That is the pits not finding volume one of MPD, I hope you find a copy soon, good ruck, it's a pain starting a new series without the beginning. Pretty engrossing and gruesome. I hope they keep it un-censored.

Oh you're getting Dragon Eye, how is it? I have the first three still waiting for me at the bottom of the second pile of unread manga. I read some comment somewhere that it was a poor man's Bleach. How's that hang?
I'm always on the look out for something new and Del Ray are ones to watch out for. Off bat the Del Ray I have/am collecting are Mushishi, Genshiken, My Heavenly Hockey Club, ES, Parasyte, and Wallflower. Any recs?

Just getting to the end of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service vol 6 things are looking bad for the guys as they really don't seem to be able to make any money and others are moving into their territory.

I have pre-ordered a copy of MPD psycho vol 1 from the re-stock so just have to wait. I did not notice last time as I tend to order months ahead, when vol 2 turned up I thought where’s vol 1 and by then it was pretty much too late.

I am pretty new to the Manga thing (about 2 years) even though I have been into anime for something like 18 years and western comics for 8-10 years. I tend to just pick up what I like the sound or look of, but I am starting to get a bit pickier now.

I love Mushishi so different from anything else out there.

I can see why some may say Dragon Eye is poor man’s Bleach monster hunting and that, but I find it different enough. Though it is definitely in that shonen mould of the likes of Bleach and Naruto.

If you like general head **** try Line from ADV it is only one volume. It is about a girl that picks up a lost mobile, when it rings she answers which then starts the events that see her running around town trying to stop suicides. Alive is something else I have picked up that’s a pretty good head ****, virus going around causing people to commit suicide.

For some reason I am enjoying two titles about dolls at the moment, Rozen Maiden and Vampire Doll Guilt-Na-Zan.
fenwick said:
I'm really into the popular shonen titles from Viz so any recommendations for them would be welcome

Shonen + Viz = Full Metal Alchemist
I didn't see it on the list so get it! You won't regret it!

If you like Naruto, Bleach etc I also recommended:
One Piece
Shaman King
Gin Tama

As far as gory ones go - the only one I know (I'm new too!) is Hellsing but that is definately one to look out for!
If you like Shonen stuff, try reading Fist of the North Star, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Slam Dunk, Hajime no Ippo, Grappler Baki, Etc. I could go on and on from there.

You know. Good stuff. Stuff that actually has a long running fanbase in Japan and is amazingly popular there. Your collection is looking a little lost in itself, IMO. Get back on track with some good stuff. But don't ever stop reading Berserk, 'kay?


Somebody mentioned Dragonball earlier. The original series is worth reading for a Shonen aficionado. Anything with muscular men, lots of shouting and supreme doses violence generally works well. Don't forget cool poses and punching things hundreds of times.

Also see: WRYYYYYY.

Shonen happens to be my favourite genre ever. I like to think I know a thing or two about what doesn't suck. <3
Dracos said:
Just getting to the end of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service vol 6 things are looking bad for the guys as they really don't seem to be able to make any money and others are moving into their territory.

I am pretty new to the Manga thing (about 2 years) even though I have been into anime for something like 18 years and western comics for 8-10 years. I tend to just pick up what I like the sound or look of, but I am starting to get a bit pickier now.

I love Mushishi so different from anything else out there.

I can see why some may say Dragon Eye is poor man’s Bleach monster hunting and that, but I find it different enough. Though it is definitely in that shonen mould of the likes of Bleach and Naruto.

If you like general head **** try Line from ADV it is only one volume. It is about a girl that picks up a lost mobile, when it rings she answers which then starts the events that see her running around town trying to stop suicides. Alive is something else I have picked up that’s a pretty good head ****, virus going around causing people to commit suicide.

For some reason I am enjoying two titles about dolls at the moment, Rozen Maiden and Vampire Doll Guilt-Na-Zan.

Oh you naughty boy, my volume 6 of TKCDS hasn't arrived yet :p
Have you read Mail? It's by the same writer as TKCDS.

Two years ago is about the time I got into manga too. I used to read my share of comics and especially all the europeans, but then I went totally film freak and didn't read much comics for years. I know what you mean about getting picky. When I started reading manga there was so much to choose from, there still is to some extent, but at first it's like falling in love and you just can't get enough of it. So many really really good series. Still, there's a lot of rubbish and/or rather series I find myself being indifferent to. Then there's the continuous waiting for the next volumes of favorites and the series that come out so slow it feels like it takes a decade for them to pop out. Though that's where good one shots and shorties come in handy.

Yeah Line was not bad at all, I got it when it came out. Coincidently I'd just read an article about internet based suicide pacts in Japan prior to picking up Line, so it made reading it somewhat more driven and urgent than it maybe would've been otherwise. Hmm I'll check on Alive anyway, but it'll probably make me think of the 30 000 suicides a year in Japan, and that's a hellava lot of suicide.

Dolls eh :D I only read Dolls, which I didn't like the art of and the stories just didn't do it for me, maybe I'll give dolls another chance and check out those at some point.

Now I'm reading Crying Freeman, honestly Kazuo Koike sure writes some entertainingly pulpy trash :D
Trigunette said:
Oh you naughty boy, my volume 6 of TKCDS hasn't arrived yet :pHave you read Mail? It's by the same writer as TKCDS.

Two years ago is about the time I got into manga too. I used to read my share of comics and especially all the europeans, but then I went totally film freak and didn't read much comics for years. I know what you mean about getting picky. When I started reading manga there was so much to choose from, there still is to some extent, but at first it's like falling in love and you just can't get enough of it. So many really really good series. Still, there's a lot of rubbish and/or rather series I find myself being indifferent to. Then there's the continuous waiting for the next volumes of favorites and the series that come out so slow it feels like it takes a decade for them to pop out. Though that's where good one shots and shorties come in handy.

I will give Mail a go it sounds like my sort of thing.

I still spend way too much on western comics at the moment but as things come to an end I try not to start up anything new unless I really want it, which means I can channel a little more money into manga and anime.

The one thing I hate about getting in at the start of titles is as you have said the wait between volumes sometimes up to six months, it really kills when they end on a good cliffhanger. I am friendly with the guy with the comics and collectables in the market where I pick up my comics and other bits, he sometimes gives me his copy of ICv2 Guide To Manga/Anime which comes with his order forms. On reading one of the articles I realised how picky we may have to get, as this year they recon on average there will be 33 new volumes of manga released each week in the US.
fenwick said:
Also, I'm interested in the M rated titles (yes, I'm already reading Berserk, lol) with lots of gore, don't judge me, lol! Also, any mangas that are weird or have an interesting and unconventional story would be great.

I think Vertical's single-volume releases of Apollo's Song, Ode to Kirihito and MW fit this description nicely (all are by the awesome Osamu Tezuka, btw!). They're not gory, but all of the books are very definitely adult and certainly have unconventional stories. Plus, with just one payment you get the whole story in one book! Well, well worth it IMO!

Also, you should check out the Evangelion manga, that's got pretty much everything you're looking for (and it's absolutely brilliant, too!) ^_^
thund3r said:
I'm surprised no one's mentioned D.Gray Man...

Christ, I'm not.

It seems people don't get the meaning of the term Shonen.

Oh. Golgo 13. That's awesome, too.
thund3r said:
I'm surprised no one's mentioned D.Gray Man...

I've read the first two volumes ... and it hasn't blown me away. It's good, but not good enough, I'm afraid. I still have vols. 3 and 4 on my shelf, ready for reading and I hope it gets better!
I really like D.Gray-Man. The idea of the story intrigues me no end [i especially love the victorian setting]. The battles can get hard to follow sometimes, mainly due to busy artwork, but it doesn't spoil my enjoyment of it.
CitizenGeek said:
I think Vertical's single-volume releases of Apollo's Song, Ode to Kirihito and MW fit this description nicely (all are by the awesome Osamu Tezuka, btw!). They're not gory, but all of the books are very definitely adult and certainly have unconventional stories. Plus, with just one payment you get the whole story in one book! Well, well worth it IMO!

Well. Worth. Reading. I used to think Osamu Tezuka was all Astroboy and Buddha. Well I have all 8 volumes of the Buddha series and I love them, but I kept putting off buying anything else of his. Then Vertical released those really nicely turned out single volumes and I'm really glad I got curious and bought them, just recently Apollo's Song.
Now one of the most eagerly awaited releases for me is Vertical re-releasing Black Jack starting in the autumn of this year.