Manga or Anime?


Which would you chose if God/myself came down from paradise and forced the decision upon you?
For an otaku I'm sure it would be the most difficult choice imaginable; even more troublesome than forcing him or herself to buy clothes instead of manga/anime. Let us hope that God is more merciful than myself.

At this moment in time the choice is an easy one for me to make: Manga. I haven't been truly into an anime for a lengthy's been too long for me to long to remember the last 10/10 anime experience. I have the motivation to finish most of what I watch but I lack the sort of drive that allowed me go on 13-26 episode marathons in the past. On the other hand, my manga drive is at the highest it has ever been right now and I'm finding myself reading a ton of it, often spending a good few hours reading when I start.

Manga can never match up to an anime that has a high budget, is faithful and has brilliant direction - black and white pictures vs. motion with colour isn't a fair contest. But very few anime adaptations manage to combine the additional fluff with an accurate representation of the source material, which leads fans who have read the manga first to hate the anime for being different and, depending on what's done, inferior in terms of story, characters and dialogue. With animation studios making as many average series as they do, it's better to just seethe story how the author intended it to be seen.

It would pain me to be unable to watch my favourite anime series (there are some bloody good adaptations out there!). There are many series that aren't based on a manga, such as my #1 anime, and I'd obviously have to forget about those if I went for manga. However, in a situation where only one option can be selected, manga is the clear winner in my mind at this moment in time.
A tough one. A few months ago I would have said Anime, but I am finding (of late at least) more stories that interest me in manga form than in Anime, so I am a little conflicted on the matter at the moment. I certainly would not like to chose though! :cry:
Anime for the reasons in the other thread. But I like both an awful lot. Anime is rubbish for the commute into work (I tried watching the free episode of Witchblade from iTunes the other day and almost made my ears bleed straining to hear on the trains) whereas curling up with a good manga makes the time fly by.

How many threads about your new love affair with manga do you intend to make? We get the point: you like manga. I'm pretty sure the rest of us do too.

In any case, I would probably choose anime. Manga is great and stuff, but anime is much, much better at exciting my emotions and at offering a more rounded and fulfilling experience :]
CitizenGeek said:
How many threads about your new love affair with manga do you intend to make?

As many as I want to. Depending how I feel, this could be the last or only the second - you'll have to wait and see.

But, if it bothers you that much, just get back to me and I'll keep making them until you take the hint and go find a high place to jump from.
Anime just about, but it's a close call with manga - both have pros and cons for me. Anime is a richer experience thanks to sound and colour, however Manga tends to have more consistent artwork, and plot development as opposed to suddenly going off the rails when the money or story runs out.

I feel like anime tops manga when it's done right, but for a large majority of titles the manga is a better deal. At the end of the day my anime collection speaks for itself - being several times larger than my manga one.
I'd keep the anime, and then probably regret it when i realised I'd never find out what happens in the Air Gear manga :(

I am more for anime than manga I tend to watch most nights and spend my working hours glued to my pc monitor watching anime dvd's. The only time I tend to read manga is if I am hosting an engineer or travelling somewhere.
I prefer watching my entertainment, so naturally my choice is anime.

As odd as it may seem being an anime fan and all, I've never once bought or read a manga. I might however give those LoZ manga adaptations a try once they've been released in the west, but that's only due to me being a Zelda obsessive.
This all comes down to the two series from either one that matter the most to me, GunBuster or Berserk... Berserk. So manga it is.
I find Manga one step up from a story have to imagine most of the story with guidance from the author in a story book. in manga the story is half there for you, just have to read it....and i think everyone does this...but when you read manga you give them the voices.

With anime its on a plate for don't have to subconsciously give them voices and colour...its there.

I think its down to personal preferrence and exposure...speaking from personal experience i started reading Bleach and got to vol 23 before i started thinking of the anime....watched the first 2 episodes and really couldn't be bothered...i'm not saying it wasn't as good or that i didn't have the urge to buy the series to see if i end up liking it more than the manga, but i just prefer the manga.
Likewise with naruto....started watching the series on jetix years ago and then sloped away from anime (gcse's have these affects :/ ) but about 2 months ago started watching it again online....later i bought series 1-3 and looking S4. but i picked up the manga in waterstones, read abit and really couldn't be bothered.

personally i'm more of a fan of anime than manga (regardless of the fact i have more vols of manga than i do dvds of anime :p )
OMG!! Well... errr.... I haven't been reading mangathat long however I LOVE IT! Would however have to say Anime myself. I've been watching anime since I was like 12. No point me giving up a hobby of a life time! It would be a closer decision tahn I would have though considering this fact tho.

To be honest, given the choice. I'd freeze myself untill this crazy communist regime had been over thrown. ^^
For me it depends on the series,

Naruto for example I think on anime is rubbish, its too slow, it takes a whole episode for him to punch someone, whereas in the manga you would flick through that part without any frustration.

Naruto is the only example im going to give but im sure you guys know what im saying,

im currently reading Vampire Knight and Claymore and i think the manga (and from what ive heard) are better than the anime so it all depends on the series
