Manga Girl's wants your views on the Credit Crunch

Manga Girls said:
1) Over the last year, how has the credit crunch effected your life?
It's been more difficult to find a part-time job. I'm at college, and even though I have plenty money now, around about March time I'm going to be struggling, so I really have to watch how I spend money.
Manga Girls said:
2) What changes have you made to your lifestyle?
I've started using my mum's car a lot less, and try to get lifts off people when I'm going somewhere since I have to pay for the petrol I use when I drive. I also either turn my heating on less often or leave it on for shorter periods of time, and just put on a jumper. Recently I was enlightened as to how much money could be saved by just switching off wall electrical sockets, so I do that when something is not in use for quite some time or before I go to bed.
Manga Girls said:
3) What is your best tip to beat the credit crunch?
Try to think about the small things you do in your everyday life and how you could save money from them. Not only will you save money, but you could be helping the environment, which may be a boost.