Manga delay Karas, cancel individual volumes of Tokko, Noein

Noratav said:
No it does not. Manga are releasing that box set at the same time to the second volume. At no point in my post did I say they had cancelled Karas.
Well this will be the last release I buy from Manga. From now on I guess i'll go back to importing their releases. If it isn't dubtitles then it's something else.
Maybe they should keep their logo and change their name to Anime.Genius ey.>_>

Oh and I think the reason their called manga is because when it was formed thats what anime was percieved as.
CitizenGeek said:
The more I think about this, the more I'm disgusted by it. The people that have supported Manga, have given their hard earned cash to them, have done so even though they could just as easily have downloaded these series from the internet. Is this Manga's way of saying "thanks" or something?! :(

I will second that
Personally I prefer boxsets. Its how every other television series is usually sold. Ive always waited for the box release no matter how excited I am over a series. For years I would wish publishers would just stop drip feeding us.

In the long run I'm happy if Manga are putting more priority to the box sets. In the long run its a good decision if you are competing with western television on DVD.

Granted they propably should have started the switch at the beginning of a series instead of the middle. Maybe the sales of first volume simply didnt justify the release of the second. Maybe there are more people like me who only buy sets.
If thats the case the accountants have taken over for a while. If thats the case, protest with your wallet. The message will get through eventually
I think switching focus to boxsets is a much better idea, really. But Manga are going about it the wrong way.

Big retailers aren't going to stock 13 volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist - it's just ridiculous to think that they would! But if it was divided into, say, 3 boxsets, then more stores (like Tesco) would carry them and anime would have a better shot at becoming mainstream.
Tin Man said:
Personally I prefer boxsets. Its how every other television series is usually sold. Ive always waited for the box release no matter how excited I am over a series. For years I would wish publishers would just stop drip feeding us.

In the long run I'm happy if Manga are putting more priority to the box sets. In the long run its a good decision if you are competing with western television on DVD.

Granted they propably should have started the switch at the beginning of a series instead of the middle. Maybe the sales of first volume simply didnt justify the release of the second. Maybe there are more people like me who only buy sets.
If thats the case the accountants have taken over for a while. If thats the case, protest with your wallet. The message will get through eventually
Straight to boxed set doesn't work for anime. Boxed sets for TV shows are typically about £25 per 10-13 episodes and that is after they have had a TV run that raises awareness of it and provides a large chunk of revenue. The only revenue for anime in the UK is from DVD sales and awareness of it is largely through word-of-mouth so it has a fairly fixed consumer base of thousands (not hundreds of thousands and probably not tens-of-thousands either; GitS was considered a storming success with about 10,000 sales, which in the broader DVD-buying public is a pittance). What this amounts to is Manga cutting and running with losing franchises (or at least not making the kind of money that Starz Media wants them to make). The dubtitling issue was one attempt at cost-cutting, which probably saw little success in terms of revenue to profit margins so the next is to cut the chaff from the lineup. The basic problem is that the people running Manga Ent at the moment do not understand the market and only want to concentrate on the franchises that perform like GitS, which is fairly unique in its popularity as far as anime goes.

Without knowing actual sales figures and how this relates the the rest of the anime market it is very difficult to see if this move is justified or just ill-informed.
Gawyn said:
Tin Man said:
Personally I prefer boxsets. Its how every other television series is usually sold. Ive always waited for the box release no matter how excited I am over a series. For years I would wish publishers would just stop drip feeding us.

In the long run I'm happy if Manga are putting more priority to the box sets. In the long run its a good decision if you are competing with western television on DVD.

Granted they propably should have started the switch at the beginning of a series instead of the middle. Maybe the sales of first volume simply didnt justify the release of the second. Maybe there are more people like me who only buy sets.
If thats the case the accountants have taken over for a while. If thats the case, protest with your wallet. The message will get through eventually
Straight to boxed set doesn't work for anime. Boxed sets for TV shows are typically about £25 per 10-13 episodes and that is after they have had a TV run that raises awareness of it and provides a large chunk of revenue. The only revenue for anime in the UK is from DVD sales and awareness of it is largely through word-of-mouth so it has a fairly fixed consumer base of thousands (not hundreds of thousands and probably not tens-of-thousands either; GitS was considered a storming success with about 10,000 sales, which in the broader DVD-buying public is a pittance). What this amounts to is Manga cutting and running with losing franchises (or at least not making the kind of money that Starz Media wants them to make). The dubtitling issue was one attempt at cost-cutting, which probably saw little success in terms of revenue to profit margins so the next is to cut the chaff from the lineup. The basic problem is that the people running Manga Ent at the moment do not understand the market and only want to concentrate on the franchises that perform like GitS, which is fairly unique in its popularity as far as anime goes.

Without knowing actual sales figures and how this relates the the rest of the anime market it is very difficult to see if this move is justified or just ill-informed.

Im a very selfish person. I wont watch 4 episodes of a series and then wait for the good of the industry. I know its not fair to compare an anime series with a much more high profile western television series but thats the reality of the dvd market. If I can go out and purchase the entire first season of The West Wing and then binge on it, I expect to be able to do it with Full Metal Alchemist.

But thats just me. Im not denying that Manga is making a lot of mistakes that will hurt them more then help them in the long term. Especially if they still have delusions that their core market is much bigger then people like us. We are still the ones that they have to please first
Have cheap box set releases - that's fine.

Don't have singles releases only to cancel halfway to give way for a cheap boxset - that's rude to those who gave Manga the benefit of the doubt.

Do one or both properly. None of this half-arsed crap. :x
*shrug* maybe they'll offer a Disk-rebate, send the aproperate volumes of Noein and they'll let you have the boxset at a fraction of the asking price.
Conan-san said:
*shrug* maybe they'll offer a Disk-rebate, send the aproperate volumes of Noein and they'll let you have the boxset at a fraction of the asking price.
That's not a bad idea. Can't see it happening though.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
Conan-san said:
*shrug* maybe they'll offer a Disk-rebate, send the aproperate volumes of Noein and they'll let you have the boxset at a fraction of the asking price.
That's not a bad idea. Can't see it happening though.
I didn't see Manga-yououghtasuckmydoji-entertaiment geting Shonen Jump's Naruto ether. But it happened.
just one question.
i have yet to import a manga ent. R1 title, so i was wodnering are the R1 manga ent titles dubtitled?

because if so, then why cant Manga ent uk just use the same subtitles, i mean its the same company.
Ninja Boy! said:
just one question.
i have yet to import a manga ent. R1 title, so i was wodnering are the R1 manga ent titles dubtitled?

because if so, then why cant Manga ent uk just use the same subtitles, i mean its the same company.

They are dubtitled. In fact Americans call the company "mangle entertainment" so forums i've been to.
I know I'm saying what everyone else is but manga need to get their act together! As one of the initial companys to introduce manga in the west it really does suck that they've sunk this low.
Sy said:
The only Manga title i've imported from the US is Stand Alone Complex and that's not dubtitled.

Don't Bandai have control of the sub's on the GITS US disks though?
(not too sure myself as even though I've got all the R1 GITS disks I've only ever watched them in dub ;) )

EDIT: Goes off, looks stuff up: ZRO Limit Production (Wolf's rain, Yukikaze) handled the subs on the GITS disks, as opposed to Noein and Tokko which if I'm not mistaken were sub'ed by Manga Ent themselves. Someone with more knowledge feel free to correct me!
Fellistowe said:
Sy said:
The only Manga title i've imported from the US is Stand Alone Complex and that's not dubtitled.

Don't Bandai have control of the sub's on the GITS US disks though?
(not too sure myself as even though I've got all the R1 GITS disks I've only ever watched them in dub ;) )

EDIT: Goes off, looks stuff up: ZRO Limit Production (Wolf's rain, Yukikaze) handled the subs on the GITS disks, as opposed to Noein and Tokko which if I'm not mistaken were sub'ed by Manga Ent themselves. Someone with more knowledge feel free to correct me!

Manga did not sub the GitS: SAC R1s, according to the credits ZRO Limit Productions did, and even if the credits are wrong the R1s were produced by Bandai anyway. Manga were merely the distributors. People discussing this issue on other forums claim that the other Manga R1s are not dubtitled and the reviews of the discs over at back that up, although I don't own the discs myself.