ADV UK have announced that world renowned anime director Makoto Shinkai will be presenting a bfi National FilmTheatre screening of his Voices of a Distant Star (along with his other short "She And Her Cat") on the 12th of August, followed by a talk with Shinkai himself. Below is a quote from the press release and if interested, be sure to book early.<ul class="menu">"ADV Films, the leading producer-distributor of anime in the U.K., is pleased to announce a very special event: in conjunction with CoMix Wave, FLP London Ltd and the bfi National FilmTheatre (NFT), ground-breaking auteur and Mac user Makoto Shinkai will be in London to attend a screening of his short features Voices Of A Distant Star and She And Her Cat from 6.20pm on Friday 12th August 2005, followed by a talk with the creator himself."</ul>Read the full press release. This screening is actually a part of the Bfi's anime season which also includes showings of Millennium Actress, Paranoia Agent, Perfect Blue, Princess Mononoke and Steam Boy. More information can be found on the official Bfi website.