Lucky star ova in the works(not confirmed but likely)

Good God. Can't they just release the TV series and be done with it? I mean, how does a series like that justify the need for an OVA?
Otaku-san said:
Just one of those flop productions from Kyoto huh?

(and I mean the lucky star series not just the OVA)
I don't understand how you can say that when you have a Lucky Star avatar.
CitizenGeek said:
Summed up my thoughts exactly. Great choice of wording. The series is decent, Why can't they just let something be. >_____< Next we'll be hearing a S2 is announced and I'll die a little inside next. I liked the series but it'll get seriously worn if another series/ova/movie thing gets made. The manga is okay, due to the fact it can be taken in little doses because its a four-panel comic strip.

I'm looking forward to hah-ruu-hee immensely, though.
I thought LS was great but even though it never had a semblance of a plot to begin with, I thought the ending was a really good one and doesn't really need revisiting. It seems a shame to tack more onto the end (as entertaining as I'm sure the extra stuff will be) when the motivation is so obviously financial.

Needless to say I'll probably still watch it but it still feels unecessary to continue the story.
Jayme said:
The series is decent, Why can't they just let something be. >_____<

Because the manga has sold nearly 2 million copies? You'd be milking it for all its worth if you sold that much.
Maxon said:
Otaku-san said:
Just one of those flop productions from Kyoto huh?

(and I mean the lucky star series not just the OVA)
I don't understand how you can say that when you have a Lucky Star avatar.

only cause of what i have interpreted from other people, the avi is no reference for being a fan.
I just thought it was a very funny gif ^.^