Lots to think about in this Jonathan Clements blog reviewing a book about the difficulties of subtitle translation


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While slowly working my way through the All The Anime blog since I discovered they had one (why didn't they ever mention new posts on their mailing list??), I came across this excellent 2023 post by Jonathan Clements, aka J-Clo, aka Jimmy Clamms, aka Jeffrey Clementine:

It's a review of a book that analyses the complexity of media translation, and how these complexities "are rarely acknowledged by the industry", despite the profound implications they have on the experience of the viewer.

Like Clements, I prefer subtitles. If I want to watch a foreign film, I want to get as much of that cultural experience as possible. I'm delighted that dubs also exist for those who want it; they're just not for me personally. But it sounds like this book raises some interesting points to make the case for both options, including how at least 20% of dialogue is actually removed in subtitles (although Clements argues that this is no bad thing), and the "various spats and ideological disputes over subtitling" that have gone on over the years.

Before posting this, I checked ebay, and found a single copy for £3.50 in "acceptable" condition. Here's hoping it won't fall apart at the seams. In any case, I'm greatly looking forward to receiving it.

Give the blog post a read. It's worth your time.