Lost in Translation


Thousand Master
Just a heads up.
Lost in a Translation is on Film 4 now and again later on Film 4 plus 1.
Its a good movie set in Japan and is worth a look for otaku out there.
Yeah, this is a fantastic movie! Bill Murray and Scarlett Johanseen are great actors! Not so sure why you think it would appeal to 'otaku', though - it has, like, nothing to do with Otaku culture :]
It's a quirky, witty and very insightful film that really portrays the subtleties of of how isolated people can 'connect' on an emotional level...no gratuitous sex scenes, just great comedy and drama.

Agreed, it's like a two hour advert for visiting Tokyo (the nighttime cityscapes are STUNNING) but I loved it for the comedic dynamic between Murray and Johansson...plus it has a fantastic soundtrack with contributions from Air and ex-MBV frontman Kevin Shields. Tokyo + Bill Murray + MBV = WIN. :)
Martin said:
It's a quirky, witty and very insightful film that really portrays the subtleties of of how isolated people can 'connect' on an emotional level...no gratuitous sex scenes, just great comedy and drama.

Agreed, it's like a two hour advert for visiting Tokyo (the nighttime cityscapes are STUNNING) but I loved it for the comedic dynamic between Murray and Johansson...plus it has a fantastic soundtrack with contributions from Air and ex-MBV frontman Kevin Shields. Tokyo + Bill Murray + MBV = WIN. :)

I agree.
Amazing movie.
Great soundtrack,and yeah the dynamic between the 2 main charachters is what carries the movie and makes it so enjoyable.
Loved this film, thought it was interesting and really drew me in, plus it was a chance to see Bill Murray spread his acting wings a bit since appearing in Charlies Angels and other such forgettable films. Really enjoyed how the two lonely characters seemed to find comfort with each other despite the obvious social and chronological differences separating them.

I also agree that the soundtrack was well thought out and fitted the film perfectly.

Would love to know what he whispered to her when they parted ways
I love this film too and watched it again on DVD only the other night. However, I came
across this article a while back that made me see the film in a slightly different light. I do think she raised some quite valid points, especially that the Park Hyatt wouldn’t have showers designed for use by people above 5ft 5.
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Outlawstar said:
Well,just the fact that its set in Japan makes it appeal to me AS an otaku.


That's not otaku, that's we call 'weeaboo'
I agree, I don't see why a someone who likes anime, can't watch a film that has nothing to do with Japan.
Watched this a few years ago, probably when it first came out on dvd; really loved the subtle atmosphere of the whole film, enjoying the fact that nothing that earth-shattering actually happens, but there is a certain magic to it.
Just found it fascinating watching these two disparate characters find each other in this unlikely friendship/relationship both whilst being ‘lost’ in this foreign place. Plus its hard not to be entertained by some of Bill Murray’s typically dry deadpan acting.

Harkins - I can see the point of view of that article – I did indeed see this film in a slightly different light this time around having developed a deeper interest in Japanese culture since seeing it the first time – you do then get an inkling of a slight polarised angle the film takes, something you would be all the more sensitive to if you are indeed Japanese (or just half in the case of that reviewer)
But then I think this is partly how the film is intended; it works best when you share the point of view of the central characters in the film and are as perhaps ‘lost’ with everything Japanese as they are.

Did think that it maybe ‘lost’ (pardon the pun) a little of it’s magic on second viewing – I think part of the enjoyment the fist time around was in the subtle tension of not knowing where it was heading – so on that note I’d still strongly recommend it to anyone that's not seen it before.