Looking for Play Arts


I'm looking for the Square Enix Play Arts figures ^_^

I already have:-
Aerith (FF7)
Yuffie (FF7)
Cloud (FF7:CC)
Balthier (FFXII)
Kairi (KH2)
Sora (KH2 normal outfit)
Roxas (KH2)

I can trade or buy ^_^
I have:
Sephiroth AC
Vincent AC
Cloud AC
Tifa AC

Looking at your trade list there's a few manga and odd items I wouldn't mind but they tend to be randoms ^^ Like for instance I have Crono Crusade 4 but need the others so you may not be interested in breaking sets like that!
I'm interested in Vincent and maybe Tifa - I might like some of the others if you want to trade. I've updated my selling list so tell me what you want (I've been selling the stuff for a while, so I might give you randoms if you want them)
Ok had a quick copy paste session and stuff I wouldn't mind from your list
Mar 1/2
FMA 14-17
D.Gray 7/9/10

Gutted you have a Nendroid L, JUST bought one ^^ pity it's not Light or Ryuuk
Noticed in my other case today the FFX-2 girl trio too btw
ooh - I'm very interested in the FFX-2 figures (especially Rikku :3) Just wondering - what type of trade would it be, like how many manga for a figure?
Well, I've just initiated a trade with someone else (the D.Gray-Man are gone - sorry!) and we did 4 manga = 1 figure. Does that sound OK? Also, are your figures complete and do they come boxed?
Sounds good yeah, no boxes I'm afraid. I'm a tear open and display person! But yeah they are complete
Oh, well then would it be OK if we did 3 manga = figure (no box kind of lowers the value a bit >.<)? Also, could I get Cloud and Tifa instead? Only coz I heard FF7 Vincent has better arm mobility - so I'll wait and get him.