London expo cosplay status


Stand User
How is everoyne's cosplay for the october expo I have started on my helmet and its going really well.

I just need to get some orange and white spray paint to begin painting
im going as kakashi from naruto but im gettin the stuff from ebay ^_^
my friend is going as someone from sailor moon i think
my other friend is undecided
and my other friend is undecided
I'm getting nowhere near my costume, and also I'm kinda unsure if I'm going due to my expenses, but hopefuklly I can make it.

Anyway I'm currently trying to work on a costume, but it's so hard since I don;t know how to sew and get the required matriels etc... I wanted to go as Misa from Death Note live action series version since I'm dark haired and not blonde, however I don't have a picture of her full body, so thats a no. In the last Expo my friend pointed out that my hair style is like Riona's from FFVIII and I thought it might be a cool idea to go as Riona since I don't have to worry about the wig. So I'm kinda working on that costume now.
As well as cosplaying as Chiyo-chan for the expo I'm also going as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts!

I'm getting a sewing machine at the end of August so then I'm going to try and begin to make the costumes

I've never made a costume before so has anyone got any tips for me?
Well i've completed my Icihgo costume from Tokyo mew mew ( Ichigo wearing her Black Cat out fit with big black and pink paws, i've taken abit of artist lisence =x)

So now i have to finish the tops for the Sakaki and Yomi Costumes ^_^
A decepticon at the expo what are the odds, Yes I am becoming Noisemaze for the otcober expo, watch out as a i have a gunblade hahaha.