Live musical - The Prince of Tennis ^_^


Stand User
I've just finished watching the first half of the POT live musical and it's bloody brilliant :lol:
I'm like some crazed fangirl (something I never like to call myself ^_^). The actors playing the various parts are more than a tribute to their anime counterparts :wink: The songs are pretty damned good too. It still leaves me with the belief that no matter how good the Japanese are at so many things, they just cannot dance :lol:
I'm about to watch the second half, but thought I'd leave you with a few screenshots ^_^
KL! that looks amazing, i would love to know where to get these musicals from :p :p i heard there is a Bleach one, so that would be a nice start :p
DaNiMé said:
KL! that looks amazing, i would love to know where to get these musicals from :p :p i heard there is a Bleach one, so that would be a nice start :p

AnimeSuki usually have some.

I've only read the first two volumes of PoT and only seen 5 or so episodes. I'm going to try and re read some of it and maybe get more volumes. It's been over a year since I watched some of the anime though.

Maybe then I will get this musical, still need the Hunter x Hunter one though. =x
I'm not entirely sure what i would make of a musical of any anime, but for sure i have to get some more episodes of Prince of Tennis, i've been meaning to watch more of it for such a long time
Chibi Yosho said:
Maybe then I will get this musical, still need the Hunter x Hunter one though. =x
Don't bother! I love anime based musicals and have seen every single Sailor Moon one (and there's lots!), Sakura Wars, of course the Prince of Tennis (which is wonderful), but the HxH one is diabolical. I don't think it was a good idea to have the seiyuu play their counterparts in the musical. Most of the cast is female and although they sound OK as their respective characters, they look awful on stage as them, but the worst of it is, many of the rest of the cast are quite old compared to the characters they voice and it looks awful having a 20ish year old character being played by a 40+ year old seiyuu :cry:
The actual story is based after Greed Island, but I honestly couldn't get into it - it was really bad!

i dont like the idea of a musical all i see the a giant sailor moon cat form the sailor moon musical
Just thought I'd point out that it was only the first EVER SeraMyu that actually had Luna and Artemis in it and you can't compare every anime based muscial on the very first!