Genkina Hito
Japan Foundation by Mercury Rex, on Flickr
The Japan Foundation has two lectures coming up on the 21st and 22nd of February named Video Games in Japan: Past, Present and Future.
The first night will deal with the question of how to preserve video game culture and why it is important that it happens. The event is called The Past: Game Over? The details on the site state:
<em>The Japan Foundation have invited Prof Akira Baba from the University of Tokyo - the chairperson of the committee on Video Games within the Media art archiving project of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs - to take part in a lecture event alongside Prof James Newman from Bath Spa University, who is leading a similar initiative here in the UK. They will examine the current situation and issues that are arising from these efforts to create Video Game Archives in Japan and in the UK.</em>
The second event is called The Present and Future: Progress to Next Level? - Where is the Japanese Video Game Industry heading? Details on the site state:
<em>Prof Akira Baba, University of Tokyo, will make a presentation on the current situation and problems of the Japanese Game Industries and Takuma Endo, president of ACQUIRE and Development Director of Tenchu, a game which has sold 1.5million copies, will talk about where Japanese game makers are going. Steve Boxer, freelance journalist and member of the award-winning Video Games coverage team at The Guardian will respond to their presentations as a discussant.</em>
Both events are free to attend but must be booked in advance by <a href="">email</a>. They take both place at 18:30 at the following location.
The Japan Foundation
10-12 Russell Square
London, WC1B 5EH
During both events there will be a prize-draw during the evening to win tickets to attend the Hyper Japan event, which takes place from 24th-26th February.
For more information please visit the Japan Foundation <a href="">website</a>.
<a href="">Source</a>