Leaked trailer for Rebuild of Evangelion

CitizenGeek said:
Can you honestly look at GORGEOUS trailer and say that you don't want to see it? XD

I would love to see an actualy sequel, though!
I do want to see it but we already have an exellent version of the series at hand and it's going to be hard for them to do better. What more can be said through the series? It has cash in written all over it. Still i'm looking forward to seeing the crisper animation somewhat.

A sequel would be a dire move. Trouble is when they've got something good, rather than letting it stand as a classic in it's original form they always seemed to get milked to death in the end.
"Milking" isn't very fair in Evangelion's case. I think the fans obviously want to see these new films, even people that complain about them, such as yourself, want to see it. Besides., I'd hate to watch a series that I really, really loved and for it to just "end" and be finished. So, I say: More Evangelion please!
CitizenGeek said:
Besides., I'd hate to watch a series that I really, really loved and for it to just "end" and be finished. So, I say: More Evangelion please!
You see I'm not like that. If the series has already ended with a fitting conclusion then I'm satisfied enough that that's the end and wouldn't want to see it continue really for fear of it becoming stale and whatever comes after tainting the original. All that's been said has been said with Eva as far as I can see and that's enough for me.
Well to me it did. Shinji was fully realised. The very last scene of episode 26 summed my interpretation of the series up perfectly. That's why when I watch the series I watch it 1 - 25, EoE and then 26 so I can have that ending.
Well, that's great for you, but can you understand how some people would be unfulfilled by the ending? That last scene was pretty awesome, yes! :)
CitizenGeek said:
Wasn't the live action movie more or less cancelled? :(

No it's not. Live action movies can take years even decades to get produced. ADV have said that they've done as much as they can, and that they can't do anymore until a director becomes available, which could take several years. To give a compasion, James Cameron has been working on the Battle Angel movie for a decade, but we're not going to see that for another few years yet.

Secondly, I have to agree with WTFDaveMustaine about the ending. I'm satisfied with it, and I don't really want to see any more. What's more I can't see how a sequel could possibly work unless they produced yet another ending - which is what they're almost certainly going to do here. I'll watch these new movies, but much like I never bother watching EoE when I rewatch the series, I won't watch these more than once either.
So is this just a retelling of the series in movie form? Didn't "Death of Evangelion" do the same thing?

I need more convincing than "crisper animation".
I don't think it's a direct retelling, and certainly nothing like Death. There's going to be new characters and new scenes, or so the first trailer for Rebuild said. The ending will be totally different too, I think.

And the animation is not just "crisper" - it looks absolutely amazing!
CitizenGeek said:
"Milking" isn't very fair in Evangelion's case. I think the fans obviously want to see these new films, even people that complain about them, such as yourself, want to see it. Besides., I'd hate to watch a series that I really, really loved and for it to just "end" and be finished. So, I say: More Evangelion please!
No they arn't milking, honest.
hopeful_monster said:
CitizenGeek said:
"Milking" isn't very fair in Evangelion's case. I think the fans obviously want to see these new films, even people that complain about them, such as yourself, want to see it. Besides., I'd hate to watch a series that I really, really loved and for it to just "end" and be finished. So, I say: More Evangelion please!
No they arn't milking, honest.

Ah, but I was refering to the Rebuild movies. Evangelion is, very obviously, milked and milked by Gainax. But what's so bad about that? If I saw those Doritos with Rei and Shinji, it's make my day so it would! :)
CitizenGeek said:
I don't think it's a direct retelling, and certainly nothing like Death. There's going to be new characters and new scenes, or so the first trailer for Rebuild said. The ending will be totally different too, I think.
Well I think that has convinced me that it will be at least worthwhile...

CitizenGeek said:
And the animation is not just "crisper" - it looks absolutely amazing!
...whereas animation quality has no effect on my decision. I don't care if it's good or not, as long as it's not artistically bland.
Erk! My head hurts...
I have to say, I'm not too sure myself what R.o.E is all about... But from the trailers, it looks like it's just the same story, retold and remastered graphics. The retelling of the story gets tiresome after a while, even if it had an alternate ending. If that's so, then I wouldn't mind seeing a few old clips, but then get straight to the point with the new stuff.

NGE deserves to remain an epic mecha show. It is also, what I consider, something now been milked for all it's glory. It's not NGE's fault, it's the companies behind the milking. Toys, games, models were nice... But soap holders? Common, even Angelic Days is better than a retelling! Not that the manga's bad. :)

So unless I'm mistaken, I'm not that hyped about it. If so, I'm sorry. :p
Chaz said:
Common, even Angelic Days is better than a retelling! Not that the manga's bad. :)


When they said that there were gonna be more Evangelion projects, I was hoping Anno would have gone the Full Metal Panic route and make a spinoff based around the school that the Eva pilots went to, like in the alternate reality scene from ep 26.
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Trowa_Ayanami said:
Chaz said:
Common, even Angelic Days is better than a retelling! Not that the manga's bad. :)

When they said that there were gonna be more Evangelion projects, I was hoping Anno would have gone the Full Metal Panic route and make a spinoff based around the school that the Eva pilots went to, like in the alternate reality scene from ep 26.

Oh no! That's not what Evangelion is at all, that wouldn't be a good spin-off IMO.
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