Andrew, could I please suggest using the font size/colour features the forum has? Of course I can. ^_^;
anime_andrew said:
Good news, bad news folks for KLK!
Good news first - we've got the dates pushed up!
You hoped we would stop reading after the good news? ;P
Kill La Kill - Part 2
anime_andrew said:
(I've checked the discs, they are labeled correctly too - shock, horror!)
Unacceptable. This cannot be an amazing release now. ;P
anime_andrew said:
Contains: Eps 10-19
Extras on disc: Web previews, clean opening, clean closings.
Tentative physical contents: 216 page artbook (containing the books from Volumes 2 & 3) and collector's packaging.
SRP: £59.99 for BD | £49.99 for DVD (same as Part 1)
Release date: Tentatively March 2nd, pending approvals which are underway now.
Sounds cool. Now if the exchange rate to Euro would improve this would be great.
Kill La Kill - Part 3
anime_andrew said:
Contains: Eps 20-25
Extras on disc: Web previews, clean opening, clean closings.
Tentative physical contents: Artbook, 3 Goku Star pins and collector's packaging.
SRP: £49.99 for BD | £39.99 for DVD
Release date: Tentatively May 25th, pre-sales at MCM Expo.
Not entirely sure what I should expect from Goku Star pins, given I haven't watched the show yet, but okay.
Overall it sounds pretty much the same like the former two parts but with a lower SRP which would really be awesome if this comes true.
The Bad News
anime_andrew said:
Now for the bad news: It's very clear that the committee will not allow even 12-13 episodes in a set in 2015 with no obvious release date one would be OK in.
We have two choices at this stage - one is to just wait it out until mystery date we can (I'd guess late 2016 is optimistic).
Waiting out is only really possible if you have a guaranteed date for the customers at the point the Collector's Edition goes OOP.
Or you'd sort of be forced to do an additional print run of the collector's edition really. If part 1 goes OOP in September 2015, it's unrealistic to let it be OOP for 12 months.
That'd also be awful towards new animefans that'd join in the next 12 months. And it'd at that point be more viable to wait out a complete collection honestly.
anime_andrew said:
The alternative that I am pitching is:
- 3 sets, BD & DVD separate
- £24.99 SRP for BD, £19.99 SRP for DVD
- Likely Amazon price for all 3 sets would be £49.99 - £54.99 for BD, £39.99 - £49.99 for DVD.
- Released over: June, August, October
Open to thoughts and will do a blog post later on the topic, but figured I'd float the idea here while I wait for a reply from the licensor about if the above is even acceptable. I'm personally pro getting the product out to folks as accessibly as we can sooner but I know 3 sets isn't ideal.
I assume you read what I said above.
Following that I find your suggested alternative the best option really.
anime_andrew said:
Things I am mulling too:
- Doing a rigid box with Part 3 to store Parts 1, 2 & 3.
- Doing a bigger Amaray box with part 3 for people to put Parts 1 & 2 in (Amaray being like your regular DVD or BD box for a show.
With the former you are referring to a rigid box to hold the three Collector's Editions, or are you not? That really confuses me now.
If you are planning a rigid box to hold all three regular edition BDs together it'd honestly make the regular edition more desirable than the collector's edition if that doesn't get the same treatment.
I am all for both the regular edition and collector's edition getting a rigid box to hold all parts together though!
The latter does sound cool though, although some people are right it may be a waste of covers, albeit I have a suggestion therefor as well: slipcovers on the whole print-run!
Then the usual cover inside the Amaray could be a double-sided mini-poster, really.
The Comment Section
anime_andrew said:
glrd1998 said:
Not sure if this has been asked already but what exactly is the issue with the documentary disc?
We're just not allowed it - simple as.
I'm not entirely sure folks are missing anything as I've not seen pitchforks or real rage and we compensate with art assets instead

Hey, Jeremy Graves, are you around? Could you please go to the office with a pitchfork tomorrow and print a paper saying "real rage"? ;P
anime_andrew said:
Rui said:
How limited will the limited versions be? If you're anticipating the first volume being close to sold out by June, releasing the basic version then makes sense.
:twisted: R
There'll be some in circulation for sure, unsure of how many though. It may well be we have to do it once a month from October onwards too may I add - but I'm putting the optimum dates out there for now

I hope you can quickly confirm whether the collector's edition part 3 will have an artbox to hold all three parts together so I can make a firm decision on acquiring Kill La Kill really.
Nothing would annoy me more than you confirming part 3 will have that artbox when part 1 just went (or is about to go) OOP.
Joshawott said:
I still need to pick up the volume 1 Collector's Edition, but I'll definitely be buying the collector's edition versions.
In regards to the estimated release format/dates of the standard editions, I imagine that the stock levels of the collectors editions will also be of importance when it comes to launching them? I imagine you wouldn't want to release them while there's still a healthy number of collector's editions remaining, as obviously the more sold overall the better. Although I plan on buying the collector's editions (finances allowing - unemployment isn't fun), I think a chipboard box to store all the volumes would be a great idea.
Allow me to go in defence here, but honestly while from an economic and clearing stock point of view it is better to wait for the regular edition there's also new supporters of anime on a regular basis.
What I mean by that is that I remember how disappointed I was to find out as a new animefan that some collector's editions were completely sold out and I wish more were still around.
If anything, I rather see 300 final units sell at a really slow pace the next 4 years and giving new animefans the chance to own the collector's edition than it all being sold out next September.
Mangaranga said:
I'm all for trying to get the releases out ASAP, but I thing you'll be shooting yourself in the foot by releasing standard editions for less than half the price so soon - especially if you're considering including a proper rigid artbox (Which makes Manga's release of SAO even more laughable). I wouldn't recommend a large Amaray case as I think that they are almost universally despised.
There's no way Manga's SAO ever will not be infinitely laughable really.
I don't really get what people hate about even the commonly sized Blu-ray cases. If anything I wish the American releases I own had such thick spines to see more of the awesome cover designs.
Yeah, "space", okay. But for most people on here who can afford to import so easily I think that the last thing you should complain about is having to spend a bit of money on an extra plank or so.