Kiki's Delivery Service on Film4 this weekend


Ghost of Animes
This coming Saturday (7th April), Hayao Miyazaki's 1989 movie Kiki's Delivery Service will be showing on digital TV channel Film4 at 1pm (English dubbed).

Thanks to Jordan Scott for reporting this news.

(Update: We originally stated Kiki's Delivery Service was on Channel4, this was a mistake. The movie is actually on Film4.)
I suppose it a certainty that they’ll show the dubbed version. I guess that’s for the best although for me personally it completely spoils the film. I just can’t stand Hartman’s smart arsed Jiji.

But still, it’s nice to see it get a terrestrial showing.
harkins said:
I suppose it a certainty that they’ll show the dubbed version. I guess that’s for the best although for me personally it completely spoils the film. I just can’t stand Hartman’s smart arsed Jiji.

But still, it’s nice to see it get a terrestrial showing.

Jiji was one of the best characters :shock:

This is one of my favourite films and it will be getting watched i wish they would show more anime films like they did during half term.
But Nyu, did you see the dubbed version first? You see I reckon that if you see the subtitled first it is unlikely that you could then like Jiji in the dub version. But maybe that's just me.
Not related to Kiki, but more anime being on TV. Pokemon 4eva's (however it's spelt) is on BBC2 next Thursday I think...
My brother got that movie on VHS. It is super kawaii, and actually just about worth watching if you're partial to unbearably cute things, even though much of it is simply an unspectacular imitation of Mononoke-Hime. Still pretty bog standard, but better than the first 2 (those being the only others I've seen). There's also very nice song at one point - wordless, so it hasn't been replaced and is still sung with a Japanese accent.
harkins said:
But Nyu, did you see the dubbed version first? You see I reckon that if you see the subtitled first it is unlikely that you could then like Jiji in the dub version. But maybe that's just me.

I did and i liked the dub version better than subtitiles, it's one of the better dubs in my opinion. Kirtsen Dunst suits Kiki well.

I've tried to watch the subbed version but i can't i just like the dub cast too much, plus with the dub i can get my little cousins to watch it and they love it. If you told thier parents it was "that japanese stuff" they wouldn't belive you.
NekoJoe said:
Thing is it's not on Channel 4, it's on Film 4.

Jesus you don't post much do you! But well spotted, This is confirmed its on Film 4 at 1pm

28 Days Later

is also on Film 4 on saturday 8)
McIcy said:
Brilliant this is one of my fave Ghibli movies and one I will try to get my gf to watch

Exactly what I was thinking, as Ghibli is about the only anime I can get her to look at. Then again, I'll be at Brazilian jiu jitsu training when this is on, and she'll be having a meal with parents. Might have to record it instead. Unless they're repeating not long after? Film4 seems to do that quite often. :D
Nyu said:
NekoJoe said:
Thing is it's not on Channel 4, it's on Film 4.

Jesus you don't post much do you! But well spotted, This is confirmed its on Film 4 at 1pm

28 Days Later

is also on Film 4 on saturday 8)

No, I don't post much.
I lurk a bit though.
That and I've been around here like forever. ^_-
Thanks Joe. I even checked the TV schedules before writing this news report, but was for some reason so convinced it was Channel 4 that I didn't even double check the actual channel name. Damn it, anyway, I've updated the news report.