Just saying hi


Completely Average High School Student
Hey everyone.

Names Marcus, im a student.... have my own anime site that gets over 5000 pageviews a month, always on the hunt for people who like making Anime Avatars to join my site.

Link: www.kujis.com/nightfall

Fav anime is Ghost In The Shell.

Fav anime movie is: Appleseed.

I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I guess thats all any one really wants to know, if you want any more info about me then just ask.
CitizenGeek said:
Hey there and welcome to AUKN! ^_^

Question: Best anime avatar ever?

Best anime avatar site ever.... its what i wanted the site to be when i started it up two months ago, i'm aiming for a massive update near xmas but i haven't touched the site in about a month and it just seems to be getting more and more people on it without the need for any work at the moment.