Japan pioneers Smellovision at cinemas


Ghost of Animes
In continuing to stand at the forefront of quirky entertainment technology, Japanese cinemas are planning to introduce "Smellovision" at selected theatres around the country.

The BBC are reporting that "... seven fragrances will waft from machines under back row seats ... a floral smell will accompany love scenes, with a mixture of peppermint and rosemary for tear-jerking moments."

The first movie this new technique will be put to use on is Colin Farrell's latest blockbuster "In The New World".
I'm not a fan of car air fresheners, and I expect this will end up smelling the same :) It's a fun idea though, as long as the smell's are pleasant!
They have stuff like that at Universal Studios in Florida... and ive been to one. It's cool at first, but I came out of the theatre pretty ill afterwards..
it would be ok if you were watchng a nice film...as long as it didnt have a wet dog in it anywahere...but what about gory stuff? eww, what smells would the put with 'The Grudge'...yuck!
Sounds sorta cool, if used well it could enhance the atmosphere of a film. However, there are times when perhaps you wouldn't want something to be that amospheric, as pointed out by someone earlier, in the case of horror films the smells wouldn't be particularly pleasant.

To be honest though, it sounds like the smells are there to suit the mood rather than replicate the smells of the scene physically. The question is, do you want your view of a scene altered subconciously by smell? :?
Ewww, I don't wanna smell the little ring girl. I imagine she'd smell of death, damp...it would just not be pleasant.
It sounds like one bizarre idea...not sure I would like to watch a film and you can suddenly smell things. And as people of said, what if the smells weren't good? Have to sit in a cinema for 1 half- 2 hours smelling something you don't like.
I heard that Disney originally planned to make Fantasia a smelly film (flower scents for the bit with the dancing plants, incence for the bit with the pilgrims etc.)

Wonder how they would've done the bit with the dinosaurs.
MonkeyFunk said:
I heard that Disney originally planned to make Fantasia a smelly film (flower scents for the bit with the dancing plants, incence for the bit with the pilgrims etc.)

Wonder how they would've done the bit with the dinosaurs.

Heh, when I was a kid I hated the dinosaur section in that. I doubt the smell of death and decay would have improved the experience lol!
lol, you have to wonder! I doubt it'll become mainstream at any rate, too many things to go wrong. I can already see the queues of people lining up to sue over allergies...